Anonymous ID: e3f852 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:36 p.m. No.21389431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So… I was driving through Denver yesterday, haven't been to Colorado in 11 years. Whole state has turned into a Democrat Shithole. But literally ALL of the street signs have a Pedo Triangle Spiral on them before the street name… Then they didn't add a lane to I-25 from Denver to Colorado Springs… They carved one out for a Democrat HOV Lane so Soi Bois can get to their Monkeypox Weekend faster, while everyone else gets shoved into 2 lanes and slows it down to give the illusion of overcrowded faggotry. Glad we're fucking rolling out of this Dildo factory of a state. Glad we fucking moved years ago.