>>21390034 lb
"The very thing you think is giving you freedom is the very thing that is making you a slave".
Well, you can just do without. Live out in the woods in a fucking hut. Build a fire to withstand the the cold. Don't know WTF you'd do to get out of the heat. Maybe live near a creek or stream and cool off that way. Dig a hole that you can shit in assuming you're shitting all that much having to forge for your own food. In your down time you can sit around and whittle some wood if you've got a knife. Play fetch with wildcats, wolfs in the woods assuming you don't become dinner for them. Or just play with yourself to pass the time. And you will be playing with yourself, by yourself.
You are only a slave if you are uneducated, undisciplined, want instant gratification by going into incredible debt only to find that you can't even pay your fucking electric bill or other necessities at some point. That's how you become a slave. That's what [They] want you to do.
We live in a capitalist economic society. The best economic system ever devised. You can literally come from nothing and become successful. There's a smart way to go about it. There's a moral way to go about it. Aptitude, motivation, desire and to some extent education. You can't fuck around majoring in 3 Testicled Butterfly studies, gender affirmation studies or graduate with a doctorate in LGBTQ studies or other stupid fucking shit like that. Find that something that you love doing and work hard at it. Make sure that something is a good, service, product that people want, need and desire, is in demand and something that you can make a good living at. Save your money and be smart about it.
I have the BMW, the home and anything else if I want to spend the money. I'm no slave now and I was no slave when I was working. But I am still in awe.
I still am in awe that I don't have to go outside to take a shit when it's below freezing. I'm still in awe that our food stays freash and ready to eat. I'm still in awe that I am cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Still in awe that I can get in my car and drive that fucking thing whereever I want, need to. Still in awe that I can go to the grocery store and buy food that others spent their time and effort to create so I didn't have to. Still in awe that my BMW runs on an unlimited fuel source that God put on this planet and that one day, a man said to himself, Hmm……………..fuck riding in this Donkey, Horse drawn buggy. I'm gonna invent something that runs on this black shit that comes out of the ground. Still in awe of the fact that I can go from the east coast to the west coast in 4 1/2 hours instead of months in the incredible invention that the Wright Brothers created. Still in awe and thankful for the 35 year career I had in the cockpit of various airliners being awed everytime I took that fucking thing off and landed it in every kind of imaginable weather, bringing those who's safety I was responsible for, to their loved ones, successful buisness deals, vacations and all of the rest.
I'm still in awe of our Founding Fathers and the incredible Republic they founded. That no matter what these communist, cocksucking, motherfuckers who work so hard to destroy everything they touch, haven't yet, destroyed this country. I'm still in awe of my POTUS and all anon Patriots who are going to straighten out this shitshow we've been watching for the real betterment of America. I am still in awe that God Almighty made me and everything else on this incredible planet in this incredible solor system, in this incredible universe. Did all of this just happened by chance? A fluke? No the fuck it did not. I am still in awe of my Wife and our Golden Retriever. He is way smarter than any fucking leftatrd on this planet.
No, I am no slave. I do not and will not ever, live on my knees at the behest of any man or woman. I'm no slave because I rightfully took responsibility for my plight, my life, my future and my actions. I did not allow anyone to tell me what I could or could not do. I've always known right from wrong. I did not rely on the fucking government, my fellow citizens and taxpayers or anyone else for my existence.
All of this does not mean that I didn't have help. I did. Those that helped me knew that I was serious, not wasting their time, effort or generosity and kindness. I am humbled and very thankful fthat God put these people in my life.
Life is what you make it. Be smart, caluclating in what you do. It is not a short haul. Respect and love those who respect and love you. Don't ever allow anyone to tell you, you aren't, you won't or you can't.
God bless all Patriot anons, Fuck all shills and God Bless America.