>>21389107, >>21389215, >>21389130, >>21389196, >>21389259, >>21389391 Kamala's first major policy proposal was to plagiarize TrumpPN
Kamala is the Hoax Candidate
I'm mostly convinced the Democrats only used Kamala to kick Joe out. She's the only devious and hateful lefty that would do it without guilt or regret. They all know she is a joke. They are waiting for the DNC convention to announce the real nominee. If we can find big money being spent elsewhere, grooming the real candidate by the DNC we'll know. The reasons why:
They all know she is not liked or hated by the majority of sane democrats.
They know she cannot speak with a flow of consciousness and intelligently without having a script; and even then she fucks up a lot. She's not even close to Presidential
The know her Hyena laugh and demented psyche is not presidential. She has too many flaws for them to be serious, and Obama said he doesn't think she can win against Trump, without seriously cheating, actually cheating 10x ways then even Joe.
Her decisions since she has been chosen, shows she's incapable of being even a fake leader:
A. Instead of choosing Josh Shapiro, a 100x more competent and likable than her, due to antisemitism and jealousy, but she chooses Walz, the most radical pervert, liar, that pushes the destruction of normal society, an obvious Chinese controlled asset, it's almost like they didn't vet him.
B. She chooses to do completely fake rallies with masses of paid weirdos, perverts, mentally ill lefties, gets caught and continues to double down on her insanity.
C. Now she is stealing Trump's policies and has absolutely no shame.
D. Her only strategy as president is to lock Trump and MAGA up
Etc. Etc. Etc.
I think they promised her that if she takes over as place holder for now, then she will be named Attorney General of the US.
Guessing here: they always were going to put Gavin Newscum in that position at the last minute (or perhaps Michelle, so Obama will be the shadow president again). Newscum makes more sense, he was so "polite" that he never would try to remove Joe and didn't participate in the coup. But he was always around in the background of Joe.
Another reason is Newscum as Governor had Kamalabam as his AG of CA to hide all his crimes and theft, along with prosecuting his and her enemies.
There's so many more reasons I think Kamala has been a Hoax Candidate from the beginning
Kamala Harris Explains How She Can Use Lawfare Against You