Anonymous ID: cf9664 Aug. 11, 2024, 6:36 a.m. No.21390716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0747 >>1037 >>1083 >>1160 >>1186 >>1196 >>1296 >>1326 >>1476 >>1530 >>1555


‘You British f**ks lost the war!’ Americans have a LOT to say about UK police chief’s free speech threats


London’s Metropolitan Police is facing intense heat from Americans for threatening the free speech rights of U.S. citizens.


Speaking with Sky News on Friday about the riots engulfing the U.K., Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley first said that he intends to come after

criminals both in the U.K. and abroad.


“We will throw the full force of the law at people,” he said. “And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further

afield online, we will come after you.”


It wasn’t initially clear what sort of “online” crimes he was referencing, but it became clear soon enough after a leftist Sky News reporter then goaded Rowley by

claiming that high-profile figures have been “whipping up the hatred” and suggesting that “the likes of Elon Musk,” the outspoken billionaire who owns Twitter/X,

have been getting involved.


The reporter then asked Rowley what his plans are “when it comes to dealing with people who are whipping up this kind of behavior from behind the keyboard who

may be in a different country?”


Now, before going further, some clarification is needed. What sort of “hatred” was the leftist reporter referencing?


Flashback to earlier this month, when a 17-year-old with parents from Rwanda stabbed three children to death at a Taylor Swift-themed yoga and dance workshop in

Southport, U.K.


The children’s deaths prompted widespread protests from aggrieved natives sick of the forever-increasing violence from migrants/immigrants. In response, Muslim

gangs started roaming the streets and terrorizing/assaulting random natives:


Huge mob descend on Bolton City Centre – looks like they are baying for blood.


If you’re in & around a city centre right now it’s advisable not to be. Seriously.


— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 4, 2024


Responding to these dual events, the U.K.’s leaders and police chose to condemn and target the allegedly “far-right” protesters angry over their children being killed

and defend the Muslim gangs.


This stunning dichotomy caught the attention of Musk, who proceeded to accuse the country’s police of perpetrating “two-tier policing.” This in turn enraged Rowley,

who then accused the police’s critics of endangering their lives. This is a common leftist deflection technique.


Rowley doubled down on his anger Friday, telling the Sky News reporter that he intends to come after anyone, including Americans, who dares voice a dissenting opinion

on the Internet, including on X.


“Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law,” he said. “You can be guilty of offences of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred, there are numerous

terrorist offences regarding the publishing of material.”


“All of those offences are in play if people are provoking hatred and violence on the streets and we will come after those individuals just as we will physically

confront on the streets the thugs and the yobs who are taking — who are causing the problems for communities,” he added.


His remarks did not sit well with Americans, who, unlike the poor Brits, are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Anonymous ID: cf9664 Aug. 11, 2024, 6:39 a.m. No.21390734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0783 >>0830 >>1083 >>1160 >>1186 >>1296 >>1476 >>1530 >>1555


Audio: Dem Insider Says ‘Republicans For Harris’ is Scam Created By Kamala’s Campaign


If you’ve been on political social media since Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, you’ve

doubtlessly seen a few liberal friends reposting some stuff from Republicans for Harris.


Speedily and bluntly put, Republicans for Harris is to 2024 what the Lincoln Project was to 2020: What appears to be a loose group of

anti-Trump “Republicans” going around about how great the Democratic candidate is.


Never mind that this “loose group” is anything but, just like the Lincoln Project, and never mind that Republicans for Harris has actually

managed to somehow beat the Lincoln Project in idiotic messaging: pic rel


Right. Never mind all that rubbish. Because, if leaked audio obtained by a conservative publication is accurate, Republicans for

Trump isn’t even the product of Republicans.


And I don’t just mean that it’s a bunch of RINOs. I mean that, if this is true, Republicans for Trump is the brainchild of Kamala-ites.


On Friday, the Maine Wire — a local right-wing outlet — published undercover audio of a discussion between a “citizen journalist”

and Peter Mills, the former executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority and the brother of the state’s Democrat governor, Janet Mills.


In a discussion with the undercover operative, who was posing by someone under the pseudonym “Tim Dillon,” Mills — a registered Democrat

and one of the “top faces” of the group, according to the publication — sought to join it. Mills pointed him toward Amy Cookson, one of Kamala’s campaign staffers.


The former Planned Parenthood operative had an email address that ended in “”


“I think she’s a paid worker,” Mills said.


“I think that’s her job here is to find – she’s looking – she has an organization called Republicans for Harris.”


More than that, he went on to say that she was “the main representative of that group.”


“I think it’s a national structure that’s being organized by, obviously, by the Harris campaign,” he said.


“They’re really, really, very anxious to find some Second District Republicans who can say, well, I’ve had enough of this Trump guy, and I’ll

probably stay a Republican, but I can’t vote for him,” Mills continued, referencing people from the northern Maine congressional district.


“You know, words of that effect, it would be very influential.”


Furthermore, an email from Cookson noting their media successes in the Maine market proved that, “at least in Maine, the ‘Republicans for Harris’

group appears to be comprised of paid-lobbyists, registered Democrats, and a Republican ex-politician known mostly for his criticisms of other Republicans.”


This included unaffiliated lobbyist Tony Payne and former state Sen. Roger Katz, who is a Republican but was a vocal critic of Maine’s former Republican governor, Paul LePage.


Now, it’s not clear whether what Mills says is true, either in Maine or throughout the entire organization. It certainly seems that way from the evidence

collected, however — and this Democrat insider seems to say that Republicans for Harris is, in effect, an astroturfed scam.


The only Republicans in it are those who have long since left the party’s mainstream, and they aren’t the motive organizing force. Which, say what you will

about the Lincoln Project, but at least those people didn’t have email addresses ending in “,” to the best of my knowledge. Not the case here.


Like much of the rest of the groundswell for Kamala since she was handed the nomination by her predecessor without winning a single vote in the primaries,

therefore, this is completely manufactured. Quelle surprise. Don’t expect the mainstream media to follow up on this, either; they’re too busy shilling for Harris-Walz at the moment.

Anonymous ID: cf9664 Aug. 11, 2024, 6:42 a.m. No.21390749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759 >>1083 >>1160 >>1186 >>1296 >>1476 >>1530 >>1555



TENET Reporter @TaylerUSA

spoke to two “Cat Ladies For Kamala” ahead of the Harris Rally in Las Vegas.


“I don’t have kids, we tried to have kids but we waited too long because we were enjoying our you know life.”

Anonymous ID: cf9664 Aug. 11, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21390851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0870 >>0881 >>1160 >>1186 >>1296 >>1476 >>1530 >>1555


moar here, but greg had the best clip


CRINGE: Australian Breakdancer Goes Viral For All the WRONG Reasons in HILARIOUS Olympic Debut – (VIDEO)


Rachael Gunn, who goes by “RayGun,” has become an instant internet meme after her Olympic breakdancing performance went viral for all the wrong reasons.


Representing Australia, Gunn holds a PhD in dance culture and earned her spot in the Olympics by winning the QMS Oceania Championship.


Breakdancing made its cringe-worthy Olympic debut at the Paris 2024 Games, and as a new addition to the roster, expectations were high. Hip-hop icon Snoop Dogg even introduced the event, fueling the hype.


However, Gunn’s performance fell embarrassingly short of the other competition as well as the expectations of viewers. The dancer’s routine consisted mostly of her awkwardly contorting herself while flailing around the stage in a seizure-like manner.


In one clip, Rachael Gunn appears to tribute a dance move to her home country by showing off her ‘kangaroo hop’. She should have left this one ‘outback.’

Anonymous ID: cf9664 Aug. 11, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21391551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1559


>The AI is 100% true.

It's not AI. AI is just a buzzword. True AI can think for itself.

It is a fancy algorithm like the "thispersondoesnotexist" website,

The best way to phrase it might be "This posted photo of a crowd at a Kamala event does look like it is computer generated/manipulated"

It should be sourced and analyzed.

Anal it




Democrat agents