(timestamp shows my local JST EST this would be 5:09pm)
David CIcilline (D-R.I.), one of the ranting Dems at the Strzok hearing, threatened to release the 11-hour Strzok closed hearing transcripts at 5pm if GOP reps couldn't give him a good reason not to.
Apparently they never gave him one so he sent the full transcripts to DOJ at 5:15, and it's currently being scrubbed for sensitive info.
I'm of mixed mind on this.
On the one hand, more info is good for us autists doing side research.
But I doubt much more relevant info was in the close hearing than was in the open hearing. It was only 2 days ago.
And any really juicy info would be scrubbed under "Nat Sec" or "current investigation" claims.
So what is the Dem's angle here? I doubt Cicilline acted completely on his own here. Other Dems must've agreed to this move, meaning there can't be much damning contents in there for Strzok/Mueller/Dems.
They are clearly trying to paint the GOP Oversight representatives in a bad light.