I used to live with one.
The shrinks admitted after the fact, that we needed to get tf away as far and fast as possible and never look back.
I can't say how astounding it is to even see it discussed, as I went through much of life assuming no one gave a shit.
I'll be damned.
Thanks again though I've said it many times Anons, for giving a fuck. Together we give a lot of fucks, and hopefully enough to counter these sick people worldwide. I've never bought multiple personality or dissociate disorder because I felt the one I had among me, was just evil. But I hate the fact that I cannot hate this person, though I will never have contact again. It's rough, to know the other side too. And to know, what they did to you, was done to them. No excuses. No quarter. No deals. But the enemy is …something else. I thank God every day.
For giving me the eyes to see that though I saw it my own way, I was moving toward the light and not the darkness I know damn well is hiding within wanting nourishment.
I love how much I must piss them off. Or at least, I hope. Kek.
>>2139319 In fact, the one from my life…..his eyes changed from dark brown to a bright green with blue specs and a brown outline. One has a brown dot. The left. I guess the Devil finally won once we were gone. That leaves me with a really fucked up odd feeling, wondering if we were all keeping the good parts around.
Never the less. Burn them. I had to walk away from an entire family, because they're so steeped in this stuff and it's impossible to tell who's smile is real and who's is not.