Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 12, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.2139235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9288








LAZ Creator here. Going to be hitting the drawing board on some C&C/opsec ideas. Please let me know if you want to help(in any way) spread our messages here even further. We need to branch out and start becoming active. Previous thread anon with constitution reading was a VERY good idea.


this is OFFICIAL laz trip cross verified ->

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 12, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2139287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339 >>9412 >>9575

k cool so no trips on qresearch. anyways. we need to organize. anon from previous thread pointed out a good way to /covertly/ organize would be to start holding constitutional readings in previous threads.


creator of LAZ here. i can assist with C&C development opsec and cyber sec(not the best but know a thing or two) i also have "friends" i may be able to get into touch with. we need to up the game. we need to start fighting back. they have paid shill camps. we need to counter this shit and make them look like the fools they are. if this was anon from 8 years ago all these shills would be fucking digitally dead by now. problem is we all got sketched after lulzsec etc got popped. WE NEED to work together.


i already have an IRC channel on Rizon which you can all use to coordinate. #lazarus


PROTIP: use a phone hotspot when accessing IRC it's a added layer of security. Rizon automatically masks IPs but can reveal some details in regards to your location(if you're not behind a VPN)


we need to ORGANIZE and bring the battle to their front doors. perhaps some anon could make a alt-thread on qresearch so we can come up with some ideas on how to develop a C&C?

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.2139412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9437 >>9454 >>9476 >>9485 >>9575

everyone see:







we need to organize people. it's time we evolve and start up our own fucking operations and counter these shill fucks. i can offer LOTS of help. PLEASE everyone share your ideas. our numbers are in the bloody millions now and if we we're to march it would DWARF the deep state soros funded shillfucks in comparison. WE need to make our message heard. we are ALL tired of see pieces of FUCKING SHIT like Strozk go untouched. these people need to LEARN their place in history and we need to be prepared to do it ourselves if no one else does. PLEASE help guys. any ideas are still ideas.


my #1 goal right now is finding a simple to use(this part may have to be developed) anonymous chat platform for all of us to coordinate real time. set up operations. etc. there is WAY more of us than we even know and plenty of people who don't even know to come to qresearch who are still on our side. we need to UTILIZE this while the ideas are still fresh in everyones mind. people are PISSED and we must harness this anger and use it against (((them))) intelligently and effectively - and of course peacefully.


please help. the world depends on us

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.2139445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453 >>9492



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wake the fuck up


time to organize

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2139456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9477 >>9592


you have no fucking clue who you're talking to child. i've been on these chans for 14 fucking years since when we used IRC and image boards to download our motherfucking anime and if i had to guess you just found out about this place within the last 12 months. know your fuckin place. i'm one of your greatest allies

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2139467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471 >>9473 >>9495


Q co isn't rounding anyone up. Anonymous shitposters on an a svalbardean seal pelt trading image board are asking for voluntary organization to combat the fucking asswipes who have been running this world for millenia. Q himself has said for us to organize. it would do nothing but BOOST morale to see US in the streets spreading OUR messages - REAL red pills.

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.2139479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9517 >>9621


there's nothing wrong with it it is literally our last option and no one wants to see another civil war(even though we all know who'd come out on top) many innocent people would die and that is NOT in our interests. we need to spread RED PILLS not bullets and once the MSM and their shill factories realize they have a serious opposition not a group of 20 patriot prayers or whatever they will realize the severity of the situation also it would help push the hand of the Trump admin to take more serious action to get rid of these fuckers quicker rather than later.

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.2139486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9502 >>9575


> it is my opinion that ending the FED and ending the CIA be top of the list of priorities


mine as well.


our strength lies in our disorganization - never forget that, but having a common goal and a common place to coordinate that(Command & Control center/s) is nothing but a benefit to ALL of us.

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.2139509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9532 >>9537 >>9542 >>9544 >>9545

>>2139501 may even be better. honestly. i mean - i'm a long time IRC user so…i prefer that. but… i am open to any ideas. I would really like to coordinate with someone who is interested in gathering like-minded individuals who frequent places like 4/8pol and qresearch. this doesn't need to be a Q-branded movement - either.


Does it not piss you off seeing all these retarded paid Soros fucks protesting whatever the subject is for the day and you can just SEE they aren't authentic. You know a grass roots movement with like-minded individuals would simply just stop them in their tracks they'd have no retaliation. We need to fucking take this country back and make it well known that we are going to do just that

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.2139559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9574 >>9575 >>9619 >>9621


heh… i'm in a place with quite a few militias and believe me i am 100% pro militia. if you want to exercise your 2nd amendment at rallies please do however be REALISTIC. we're not going to hit the streets with the intention to blast some motherfuckers up we're going there to make our presence and OUR FUCKING NUMBERS known. there is MILLIONS of us at this point. MILLIONS. think about that for a second. Soros-funded shills literally get bussed/flown from protest to protest to make it look "authentic" even though anyone with half a brain can tell it's anything but authentic.


point in case… NOT EVEN that we need to hit the streets immediately. 4pol is LITERALLY a fucking digital frontline that is INHERENTLY VALUABLE to our movement that we can TAKE OVER and no one will be identified and no one will be hurt. we can LITERALLY do the same thing they do. get a group of 20-30 dedicated shitposters and we can slide that catalog harder and better than the faggot shills ever could - not necessarily to change public influence(we've all already completed that) but more so as a SHOW OF FORCE!


instead of us sitting here circlejerking in our generals we can start coordinating shitposting ops to counter CFR/MM/SB/JIDF


the possibilities are endless. our numbers are endless. we need to branch out and cause damage to their infrastructure regardless if it is offline or online. when they realize we're not fucking around they are going to up the ante and this well help with the slight of hand by Q and related benevolents. this isn't a game guys. we've got numbers. BIG numbers. we need to RALLY and ORGANIZE these numbers to at least some degree or another. this is fucking war boys and it's gonna be fucking biblical

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.2139580   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Also here's something that may sway your opinion since I know how much we all love to connect dots here.




that trip is mine/LAZARUS(others do have access to it highly trusted)


2nd picture text in question is highlighted. this would not be the first time Q has quoted LAZARUS, he quoted me from my pedogate generals i forced down 4pols moderations fucking throats during the age of clowncuck. i'm the real deal boys and i want us to help Q as much as we can and by organizing and countering the shills perhaps even doing meetups is directly to that regard.

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.2139606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i feel your anger mate. check with local laws etc whenever something like this is done. personally i wouldn't bring my firearms to a march until things heat up more which i hope it does not come to but i understand anon. i'm no fucking bootlicker and i'm damn well ready to defend my own.


PLEASE join in if you'd like to help get some ideas going on about how we can coordinate and spread our influence further and help corner these corrupt politicians by letting them know the full force of our numbers



Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.2139737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Want to help Q team / Trump admin? Destroy the fucking deepstate? HELP DEVELOP OPERATIONS!!!


This is fucking WAR! We need to ORGANIZE! We need to fight BACK! We need IDEAS! THINKERS! FREE THINKERS! We need YOU! Let's fucking ROCK THIS FUCKING BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


















Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2139811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons… i cannot emphasize or stress enough how IMPORTANT this is that you all participate. Q has blatantly eluded to us forming structure multiple times. Inevitably the structure of our knowledge and research will have to come to the forefront of US civilization. MANY PEOPLE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND what is happening. We need to organize YESTERDAY!


WE CAN ALL figure out how to do it. We need everyone to help us… 8 years ago this would have been a mass uprising of anons. All the oldfags are afraid now. There will of been hacktivism everywhere. So we can do the next best thing and BY THE WAY completely fucking LEGAL!


Information campaigns. Counter shilling campaigns. Of all kinds. We just keep fucking going man. There's nothing illegal about spreading information or shitposting against shitposters - but they're organized and WE ARE NOT!


An anon was kind enough to make a thread for it. A few ideas have been tossed around. WE NEED ALL OF YOUR IDEAS!!!

Anonymous ID: fd0490 July 13, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.2139863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>tfw ancientfag and been in the game for far to long and seen everything there is to see and then a Q comes along and offers something completely novel and never before seen far beyond a larp as i have calculated many larps before and when you see the white rabbit and the tip top shapes and you know this is it this is the final game… and you're happy