Anonymous ID: 44dd29 Aug. 11, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.21391625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1640 >>1697 >>1824 >>1876

4th Circuit Court Federal Judges Caught Intentionally Manipulating 2A Cases ~ VIDEO

Ammoland Inc. Posted on August 8, 2024 by F Riehl,


In a stunning revelation, dissenting judges in the Bianchi case exposed the underhanded tactics of their majority counterparts within the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.This shocking disclosure shines a light on the manipulations aimed at undermining the Second Amendment, confirming long-held suspicions by many gun rights advocates, including Mark Smith of Four Boxes Diner.


The Bianchi Decision Unveiled


The Bianchi case revolves around Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons,” specifically America’s most commonly owned semi-automatic rifles like AR-15s and AK-47s. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees states like Maryland and Virginia, heard the case en banc, meaning all the judges participated. The majority ruled that the ban was constitutional, a decision that contradicts long-standing Supreme Court precedents, including the Heller decision.


Inside the Court’s Manipulation

Mark Smith, a constitutional attorney and gun rights advocate, has long speculated about judicial misconduct within the Fourth Circuit. His suspicions were recently confirmed through a detailed dissent in the Bianchi case,revealing how anti-gun judges played dirty to suppress a pro-Second Amendment ruling.


The dissenting opinion referenced the manipulation tactics by anti-gun judges within the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in footnote number 2 on page 87 of the Bianchi decision. Here is the relevant excerpt from the dissent that highlights the courts’ manipulation:


“This unorthodox procedural posture bears some explanation. After hearing the case in December 2022, the initial panel majority reached a decision and promptly circulated a draft opinion. Yet, for more than a year, no dissent was circulated. The panel thus held the proposed opinion in accordance with our custom that majority and dissenting opinions be published together. One year later, as the proposed opinion sat idle, a different panel heard arguments in United States v. Price, which also involved interpreting and applying Bruen. The Price panel quickly circulated a unanimous opinion that reached a conclusion at odds with the Bianchi’s majority’s year-old proposed opinion. Facing two competing proposed published opinions, the court declined to let the earlier circulated opinion control. Rather, in January 2024, we invoked the once extraordinary mechanism of an initial en banc review. I hope that we will not find ourselves in the posture again soon, suggesting that the majority opinions may be issued without awaiting dissenting opinions to prohibit those dissenting judges or dissenting opinions from exercising a pocket veto to deny or delay fairness and justice.”


This passage reveals that the initial panel had reached a pro-Second Amendment decision by December 2022. However, a dissenting judge delayed circulating their dissenting opinion, effectively stalling the release of the majority decision. This delay allowed another panel to issue an anti-Second Amendment ruling in a separate case (United States v. Price), which conflicted with the Bianchi decision. This conflict prompted the Fourth Circuit to rehear the Bianchi case en banc, ultimately leading to an anti-Second Amendment ruling. This strategic stalling and procedural maneuvering illustrate the manipulation within the court to suppress a favorable Second Amendment ruling.

Anonymous ID: 44dd29 Aug. 11, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.21391697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The judges that did this should be disbarred, and they should be required to read and write upon the second amendment until they understand its our right and rights

Anonymous ID: 44dd29 Aug. 11, 2024, 11:10 a.m. No.21391959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citizen Free Press



Hunter Biden and the Romanian Oligarch. He took $1 million from them

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2:05 PM · Aug 11, 2024




Anonymous ID: 44dd29 Aug. 11, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21392023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026 >>2065 >>2078

Richard Dawkins Says Facebook Deleted His Entire Page for Calling Male Olympics Boxer ‘Male.’


Scientist and author Richard Dawkins announced that Facebook deleted his account after he posted–on a different platform–that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who has XY chromosomes, should not compete against women in the Olympics. He believes the account deletion is a form of censorship.


Dawkins clarified he had not posted about Khelif on Facebook but only on X, formerly known as Twitter.


Despite this, Facebook appears to have removed his account. On July 29, Dawkins tweeted criticism over genetically male athletes competing in women’s events.Imane Khelif, who competed in the Women’s 66 kg boxing category at the Paris Olympics, has been the center of controversy.


The International Boxing Association (IBA) asserts that Khelif’s genetic makeup includes XY chromosomes and elevated testosterone levels, classifying “her” biologically as male. Despite this, Khelif was permitted to compete in the Olympics, winning the gold medal after defeating China’s Yang Liu in the final.


The IBA has consistently opposed Khelif’s participation in women’s boxing due to these tests. However, the IOC, which has taken over boxing events from the IBA because of governance issues, allowed him to compete. The IBA previously disqualified Khelif, along with Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-ting, from world championships for failing gender tests.


Several public figures, including author J.K. Rowling and businessman Elon Musk, have criticized the decision to let Khelif compete. Rowling cited the athletes’ male-typical biology as a significant factor in the debate.


The IOC defended its decision, stating that Khelif and Lin Yu-ting’s passports identify them as women, allowing them to participate. SHOW LESS