Anonymous ID: 187ff1 Aug. 11, 2024, 11:34 p.m. No.21395764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5767 >>5777


Had conversations this evening at a friend's birthday party. Idly, I was listening, shaking my head, the bullshit spewed was unbearable. At last , someone noted my mockery of what was being said, addressed me with this question: "It is demonstrably evident you don't agree with what is being shared. How do you validate your "head shaking" and deplorable (no shit, ver batim) manners? My response: "No one here has the ability to critically think, all of you have done nothing but recite "talking points" blasphemed by the Media. "Quick question", I asked, "how many of you, by a show of hands, believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins"? No one, I mean no one, raised a hand.

"I'm not the least bit surprised", I said. And the following statement was my exit: "The Declaration of Independence clearly states that our inalienable rights are granted to us by God. You stupid Fuckers think the Government should grant us our rights. By the way, the first line in the Communist Manifesto is 'There is no God'". How about you dumbshits talk about that"?

Anonymous ID: 187ff1 Aug. 11, 2024, 11:54 p.m. No.21395791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5803


The "time" he broke free from the "Cult"was when he told the Rothschild Bank of Russia to GTFO. I don't recall if he had already reestablished the Russian Orthodoxy Church, by '14, and placed all of the Religious Icons back on Government Buildings? Libtards who call Putin a Despot, or a Communist, have no fucking idea about what they are saying. A true Marxist would never reestablish the Church, or place Religious Icons on its Government buildings. Fucking Media!!

Anonymous ID: 187ff1 Aug. 12, 2024, 12:08 a.m. No.21395822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ballsy? Yes, to the extent that reestablishing the Church, and "symbolizing" that the Government and its buildings recognized God, was absolutely Ballysy!! Hey? Wasn't it Putin that said "Western Leaders worship Satan", or something close to that? What better way to spit on the Cabal's face than to boot their corrupt bank out of the Country and to reimplement God?

Putin is a Communist. KEK