Anonymous ID: 8d9322 Aug. 11, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.21395000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5032 >>5057 >>5063 >>5087 >>5149 >>5209 >>5213 >>5618 >>5778

Notable: Questions from anons for Elon to ask PDJT


I would ask him, do you believe that your plane problems was another assassination attempt and if so what are going to do about it?


Ask him about Maxwell Yearick and what he thinks motivated him to shoot?


Ask him who Q is?


Anons revealed that "No Standing" means that your lawyers never claimed damages and that put 46 federal lawsuits on hold according to Dr Halper. Anons did a decode of RemoveRestrictions.bat executable window script that tampers with voting machine security and proves widespread voter fraud; are you ever going to follow through these things or let them steal another election?


Will Mass Deportation include the all illegal "asylum" seekers retroactively? For example Somalians…


Do you know if the shooter was shot in the back of the head? Seems a sniper rifle would have done more damage.


Do you think crooks acted alone?


Why do you continue to promote the vaccine, claim it saved millions, and call it safe and effective, when the data is proving this to be false?


Why has no one called Israel out for coming to film 911 and not warning us?


Ask him what time it is on the clock?


How can we legally end the cancel culture?


Will you remunerate the American small business owner for financing the execution of the plan?


We know you are Q+, due to the Qdrops and the delta's, Will you admit it to the public. Can you confirm you are Q+?


How do you see the Q movement featuring in a Biblical narrative currently, and what role do you hope to play in that domain?


When/Where is the server than brings down the house, and are you ready to present it?


How could building 7 fall on 911? Do you think firefighters needed to prioritize taking down another building when 2,977 got crushed under miles of concrete and steel only hours earlier? Do firefighter normally have access to demolition explosives? How could the BBC announce the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes too early out of millions of buildings in NYC? How could building 7 fall when it wasn't even hit by a plane?


What ever happened to the bathroom server?


Where is the list of the 34 felony convictions you supposedly committed?


Will you consider reinstating military status/service/active duty careers to now-veterans who had to leave the US military because they didn't officially decline the jab?


What should his supporters know about what is going on that is not main stream in what they talk about regularly?


What are we missing that we should pick up on soon about the currently reality before the end of the year?


Which of these people are actually on our side? Wray, Sessions, Barr, Pompeo, Austin


What would put 99% of the people into the hospital?


Are you the CiC or is this pure military decisions and if so, tell us about the Sec of Defense, is he with us or not?


Is JFK Jr who is now considered JFK, alive and well? And if so, Will he be in a role in your Administration and when can we hear from him?


Will you take on the b.i.s and Rothschilds central banks including the federal reserve.


Do you anticipate taking the fight for the Presidency all the way to the Supreme Court? If so, how long would you anticipate an answer from them would take?


How do you expect people to defend themselves in the future if we do not have 100% transparency? Why would anyone allow heads of state a free pass on crime? Do you think that is a service or disservice to victims of their crimes?


When will you finally name the Jew, President Trump?


Did your uncle John ever talk to you about time travel?


If Kamala agrees with the 'no tax on tips' why not call her bluff and suggest that she get the Democrats to agree to do it right now, in August?


Are you absolutely sure you'll win the Presidency?


Have you ever read Barron Trumps Marvelous Underground Journey or The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood? If no say "maybe tell Barron to read them and tell you about them". If yes say, "well WTF"


Many of us have mentioned having short dreams about working for President Trump; will those dreams come true?


Is the USA Inc in default and dissolved?


Who really runs the world? is it the Jewish bankers or are they controlled by Jesuits and their agents the Masons?


And the final mandatory question Mr. President, and please answer this as if it was being asked by Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction: "For all those forgotten men and women who fought so hard for our cause, when is Christmas coming?" Kek.

Anonymous ID: 8d9322 Aug. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.21395032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5057 >>5398



ThankQ to all that participated in asking questions, many good tough questions that force the Q. Can an anon post this to Elon? We have to make sure and leave nothing to chance. ThankQ in advance to whoever does this for us, some of us are locked out from X Twitter.


God Bless you all, and back to slacking off. Amen.

Anonymous ID: 8d9322 Aug. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.21395057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5581




And if anyone can post this to Dan or PDJT, that would be appreciated as well and there will be great "Kachingas" for that anon in the future. Kachingas are not actually money, per say, but they do make a wonderful noise at the cash register.

Anonymous ID: 8d9322 Aug. 11, 2024, 8:37 p.m. No.21395125   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not by words alone, least anyone be fooled and be subjected to evil, but by deeds, such as self sacrifice, exemplified. Otherwise many would achieve by affirmations alone and the sacrificing of others continue.