Anonymous ID: c4cac5 Aug. 11, 2024, 8:57 p.m. No.21395248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5253

Is it Live? Or Is it Memorex? Edition Anonymous

guise peace

Dan_11:35 And some ofH4480 them of understandingH7919 shall fall,H3782 to tryH6884 them, and to purge,H1305 and to make them white,H3835 even toH5704 the timeH6256 of the end:H7093 becauseH3588 it is yetH5750 for a time appointed.H4150

Dan_11:40 And at the timeH6256 of the endH7093 shall the kingH4428 of the southH5045 pushH5055 atH5973 him: and the kingH4428 of the northH6828 shall come against him like a whirlwind,H8175 H5921 with chariots,H7393 and with horsemen,H6571 and with manyH7227 ships;H591 and he shall enterH935 into the countries,H776 and shall overflowH7857 and pass over.H5674

Dan_12:4 But thou,H859 O Daniel,H1840 shut upH5640 the words,H1697 and sealH2856 the book,H5612 even toH5704 the timeH6256 of the end:H7093 manyH7227 shall run to and fro,H7751 and knowledgeH1847 shall be increased.H7235

Dan_12:9 And he said,H559 Go thy way,H1980 Daniel:H1840 forH3588 the wordsH1697 are closed upH5640 and sealedH2856 tillH5704 the timeH6256 of the end.H7093

Nah_1:9 WhatH4100 do ye imagineH2803 againstH413 the LORD?H3068 heH1931 will makeH6213 an utter end:H3617 afflictionH6869 shall notH3808 rise upH6965 the second time.H6471

Hab_2:3 ForH3588 the visionH2377 is yetH5750 for an appointed time,H4150 but at the endH7093 it shall speak,H6315 and notH3808 lie:H3576 thoughH518 it tarry,H4102 waitH2442 for it; becauseH3588 it will surely come,H935 H935 it will notH3808 tarry.H309

1Pe_4:17 ForG3754 theG3588 timeG2540 is come that judgmentG2917 must beginG756 atG575 theG3588 houseG3624 of God:G2316 andG1161 ifG1487 it firstG4412 begin atG575 us,G2257 whatG5101 shall theG3588 endG5056 be of them that obey notG544 theG3588 gospelG2098 of God?G2316

Grand Funk Railroad - I Can Feel Him In The Morning

children listen to them


Anonymous ID: c4cac5 Aug. 11, 2024, 10:14 p.m. No.21395590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1Jn_2:18 Little children,G3813 it isG2076 the lastG2078 time:G5610 andG2532 asG2531 ye have heardG191 thatG3754 antichristG500 shall come,G2064 evenG2532 nowG3568 areG1096 there manyG4183 antichrists;G500 wherebyG3606 we knowG1097 thatG3754 it isG2076 the lastG2078 time.G5610

1Jn_2:22 WhoG5101 isG2076 a liarG5583 butG1508 he that deniethG720 thatG3754 JesusG2424 isG2076 (G3756) theG3588 Christ?G5547 HeG3778 isG2076 antichrist,G500 that deniethG720 theG3588 FatherG3962 andG2532 theG3588 Son.G5207

1Jn_4:3 AndG2532 everyG3956 spiritG4151 thatG3739 confessethG3670 notG3361 that JesusG2424 ChristG5547 is comeG2064 inG1722 the fleshG4561 isG2076 notG3756 ofG1537 God:G2316 andG2532 thisG5124 isG2076 thatG3588 spirit of antichrist,G500 whereofG3739 ye have heardG191 thatG3754 it should come;G2064 andG2532 even nowG3568 alreadyG2235 isG2076 it inG1722 theG3588 world.G2889

2Jn_1:7 ForG3754 manyG4183 deceiversG4108 are enteredG1525 intoG1519 theG3588 world,G2889 who confessG3670 notG3361 that JesusG2424 ChristG5547 is comeG2064 inG1722 the flesh.G4561 ThisG3778 isG2076 a deceiverG4108 andG2532 an antichrist.G500
