Anonymous ID: eec017 Aug. 11, 2024, 9:44 p.m. No.21395478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502



You are welcome, most people do not realize what we are dealing with to the degree that they should, including PDJT. He has been way to nice to these people or too observant. Meanwhile they are coming out of the wood works to make a name for themselves for a few shekels, prestige, being coerced, or a 1000 other reasons; and are planning and acting upon the demise of him and his family. Could you imagine if his plane actually crashed or if a family member was flown on it somewhere while he was attending other things? Guess what, they move in one direction, and that is towards the kill. I say these things out of Tough Love, because I am not sure anyone is telling him these things. They get emboldened and get more recruits every time they get away with it, fact.