>white working class
>far right
<[Of the EU parliament building]
<[..the police are moreso, acting on the policy-makers orders. More police, money for the police overtime. More cases, money for the courts.]
>white working class
>far right
<[Of the EU parliament building]
<[..the police are moreso, acting on the policy-makers orders. More police, money for the police overtime. More cases, money for the courts.]
>white British Christian culture
>cannibalistic pedo treasonous thief's
[All jobs are paid in fiat money]
[England used to have the best navy
Now invaded with dingies]
[Digital strawman because IRL strawman is way too complicated.]
[300 miles]
[White supremacy projection, when it's actually Jewish supremacy.]
[Magnetic? How?
Break apart. Every continent gets a piece never to be reassembled.]
[~1 Don't be a zionist.
~2 Don't be a Zionist.
Hardcore paperwork.
1a all day because 2 AF.
Or please Tyrant don't please.
Fuck fiat.
Policy not identity.
<fake news
>Jews are making being antisemitic illegal
>saying mean things about Jews
<free speech