Going through my hard drives a bit and came across these. Have never posted here. Had some weird anonymous illuminati john acct send them to me. Most likely fake but if any of you are gimp ninjas it would be cool if you could look into these.
Images everyone needs on thetir ext hard drives.
They give zero fucks about hwat happens to that nasty island during an operation if it means they gain full spectrum control of the planet as a result.
You know who's server. We got them dropped to us in early days. Forgot who supposedly has them. EP?
I was the first to drop this here. Someone spooky with a high IQ came to the board one night and after rapping with them for an hour or so they sent me the link to it and also the one with her hands tied behind her back bent over but not posting.
Alex Sor os fiancee def deserves a decent meme after his 45 hit meme
Forget what it's called but it's where we busted Paltrow and Newson hanging out. Anyone remember the name?
One of my favorites
A look behind the curtain. A room full of evil and ugly. smh
my bad clip was fkd. will look for whole thing
Gloria Vanderbilt pool. Look familiar?
It was Sanctum. Good job anon
dare you to google "freemason tercentenary celebration" and ff 33 minutes in. Who is on the Chair being worshipped?
I asked AI for images of a few different species of alien the other day kek
khamenei. rare vid
The bank accounts is new to me…
no it gets going at 33 mins exactly. For obv reasons. keep watchiing. The whole thing is worth a watch when you're boored.
for real?
If you don't know who this dracula looking mfr is you should.
Francisco Peretti married to Nicole Junckerman. His Mom was the first female general of the Red Cross and his first wife is bloodline families. Junckermann has deep Epstein ties with Mos as sdo oher sisters. One of our first boards was taken down for good about an hour into digging into them. Admins confirmed.
Lives up the road from David Rothschild and Olympia Aldobrandini in frascati Italy if I remember right.
Prince Edward Duke of Kent
Is head of the UGLE United Grand Lodge of England. Also very high level Scottish Rite.
My top 4 picks for Pindar are him, Juan Carlos, Prince Bernhard, and William.
I have seen vids of it. Not in Gaza though. Maui. Thank for relaying to the board anon.
FWIW I think it was Prince Philip
Found it.
Thought provoking for sure.
It's who you reach when you call 911 anon.
I should probably look into that old Newson-Sanctum dig again incase he replaces Walz. Fucker spent all week dodging needles and homeless people for a reason.
gn anons. was fun.