That douche Gowdy was repeating the lie last night that Kamala had a crowd of 12 thousand waiting at the airport.
If you’re white,
That’s by repetition magic
Associated with being Christian
That is by repetition
Associated with being nationalist.
White = Bad
Word repetition magic.
CNN says to stop questioning her crowd size.
Wolf Bitzed says Kamala has surged ahead of Trump in the polls.
Fucking Unreal man.
I love that illustration.
Why are they on the air even? I tuned to CNN to be amused this morning and the lies spewed were simply over the top.
“You plebes listen to what she says, don’t try and think, listen to us, don’t believe your lying eyes,…”
MSM is totally in damage control over the obvious fake AI/CGI Kamala crowds.
Push that shit in for ‘em, hard!
Do you crave violence, Agent-man?>>21397249
I put a fin in an envelope for ya.
Where send it to?
“They mostly have no reflection,.. mostly.”