The cognitive dissonance continues
>(((conservative))) defends cross dressing and and does not see the irony.
MKUltra is wider spread than you think. The dude wares eye liner for some unknown reason (pretty sure he is not a quarter back trying to reduce the glare). Trump did not drain the swamp last time and keep up his track record of moving the conservative Overton window to the left. What exactly do you think I have to lose that is not already gone?
No question, Trump knows how to pick um.
Because the "right" now supports everything LGBT that is not pedophilia. Trump is a social warrior for the left, he is the normalizor.
The only thing anon knows is that there is no going back from where we are at, and the way forward with Trump may seem better for a while but, the war was lost long ago. It is not morning in america any more.
>Military Intelligence is draining the swamp, remember?
8 or 9 years old? on what planet do you live?