Anonymous ID: 97b68a Aug. 12, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.21399572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9613 >>9819 >>9968 >>0034

Beijing Tim

Who among us has never honeymooned in China with your wife—and a bunch of minors?



Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s brand-new VP pick, is a fanatical far-left lunatic wearing the friendly armor of hapless, bloated oaf from the sticks. He’s America’s Dad. A patriotic National Guardsman. The hokey, folksy, small town hick made good.He’s not weird—he’s totally normal. He’s the inspiring Friday Night Lights football coach to a ragtag gang of kids. The beloved longtime social studies teacher. Just a regular guy. Why, shucks—Tim Walz is just plain as American as apple pie!


Only…is he?

• Sure, Coach Tim enjoyed spending an exorbitant amount of time lurking around young boys in their football locker room.

• Sure, he legalized pedophilia in his state, reclassifying child sexual abuse by adults as just another “sexual orientation.” Tim thinks love is love!

• Sure, his closest friend in the state house is Leigh Finke, a freakish man who dresses up as a woman and speaks in a terrifying baritone voice. USA Today named him Minnesota’s Woman of the Year.

Just one of the girls.Finke is the one who asked Tim to legalize pedophilia, and Tim was happy to submit to the powerful, strapping Finke.

• Sure, he volunteered to run the unsanctioned, unofficial Gay-Straight alliance club at his high school. In fact, he was the first teacher who raised his hand!He’s such a good guy that he was pleased as punch to spend time alone with confused kids behind closed doors without their parents, talking to them about their deepest sexual desires and their private parts.

• Sure, he let BLM burn his city to the ground. He didn’t call in his buddies at the National Guard for four days.


But hey, it’s not his fault—he lost the number to his old unit! Or maybe they blocked his number after he ducked out on their deployment just weeks before the men he commanded left. Some of the men he commanded and abandoned were killed in battle, while caring old Coach Walz was busy scooping up donor bucks in Saint Paul to run for a lucrative spot in Congress.


And yes, he let everyone think he fought in Afghanistan. He even nodded along with the C-Span host when he commended him for his combat role in Afghanistan. He never bothered to correct any of his official bios, or glowing newspaper articles.


So, old Tim has a few questionable things in the bio.But—it gets worse. Much worse!


Mao Ze Tim’s China Connection

None of the above red flags are as startling, as disqualifying, as weird as hismysterious multi-decade partnership with a shadowy Chinese travel agency.Comrade Walz “became fascinated with China during his youth. As a newly elected congressman, he told The Hill that "China was coming, and that's the reason that I went.”


He studied East Asian Studies at the University of Houston in the mid-1980s—at the height of the Cold War! He first went to China to spend a year teaching English.“Walz was among the first government-sanctioned groups of American educators to teach in China.”But really, he never left.


In 1994, the Walzes founded a travel company calledEducational Travel Adventures, taking groups of American high schoolers on trips to China. Tim Walz personally led tour groups of kids in Communist China every year for years. Their last trip with kids to China was in 2003.


1994 was the same year he married his wife, Gwen—on thefifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. Why that date? “He wanted to have a date he'll always remember==," [Gwen Walz] told the Star-Herald. Tim then immediately returned to China for his honeymoon.


“Walz and his wife, Gwen, who is also a teacher,spent their honeymoon in China. The pair spent their trip leading two high school tour groups, according to the Journal Star.”

Anonymous ID: 97b68a Aug. 12, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.21399613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9819 >>9968 >>0034



• I don’t know about you, but I’m sure every normal, down-to-Earth, all-American patriotic American man would be happy to take groups of minor children with them on their honeymoon—in China. Right? How romantic! Do you think Tim and Gwen let the kids sleep in their honeymoon suite? Might have gotten a little crowded!

• I don’t know why Tim Walz was obsessed with this Communist dictatorship.

• I don’t know why he seemed fanatically obsessed with taking young, impressionable minors with him to China every year for many years.

• I don’t know what he taught those kids.

I don’t know exactly why Tim Walz preferred to spend time with his wife on trips only in the presence of minors.


But I think it is safe to say that for a humble, social studies teacher from the sticks,a guy with not a single 401k, stock, or investment of any kind, it is strange to think that he would have the resources and the clout to arrange all of these trips, andget the appropriate government permissions, andcut through all the significant red tape, without extensive involvement and partnership with members of the CCP.


Who were they? Who were his contacts? What help or resources did they provide to the Walzs to make this rather exotic travel company viable?And why isn’t there a single photo on the internet of Tim Walz in China?No photos of him posing at the Great Wall? Where’d they go? You’d think there’s be a ton of these. Zero, as far as I can tell.


As far as I can tell, touring a communist country every year with children is highly unusual behavior for a patriotic member of the American National Guard.


How did this otherwise undistinguished, bloated, slightly ridiculous misfit withno discernible skills or talents start Educational Travel Adventures, anyway? I googled the name and found the website. It is unclear if this is the same company, but if it is, it has now expanded its reach into many other countries. Curiously, China is no longer one of the countries they go to. Strange! (Call to dig “Educational Travel Adventures” )


Let’s Recap:

• 30 trips to China on a school teacher salary.

• Obsession with two things: China and gay minors.

• Organized his life to spend as much time as possible with minors without their parents.

• Lied about his football coaching career: he was the part-time defensive coordinator, not the head coach.

• Devoted his life to taking American minors to China to learn about Communism.

• Took minors with him on his honeymoon in China.

• Zero investments in any American stocks or bonds.

• Had the connections to found a Chinese-focused travel agency in 1994.

• Legalized pedophilia in his state.

• Lied that he fought in a combat zone (he never set foot in a combat zone).

• Abandoned his unit right before deployment.


Don’t you dare concludethat he was obviously gathering intel for the CIA going undercover as a teacher, or that he was somehow working for the Chinese to spread their propaganda among young American students. Don’t you dare conclude he is a communist, either. Or a minor attracted person. He’s just a normal American!


One more thing: I have it on very solid authority that more information is coming out about Beijing Tim. One trustworthy reporter I know described it as “Disqualifying. Wow.” Stay tuned!


Bottom line: Will any of this matter to the election? Will any of Kamala’s crowds of Krazy Karens care? Unlikely. The lesbians and librarians and unmarried girlbosses of American are all-in for the Dems.


But it may convince some fence-sitters that this ticket is just a little too creepy and way too Communist for comfort.


Let’s hope! Keep hope alive! Thanks for reading —
