Imagine everyone has to pay for airport cable CNN and Californian towns are spread out across the country, that's the UK. Anti Trumpers are vocal, and more visible - but still just a loud deep state funded minority.
Having been awake - stay asleep. You don't gain anything by waking up, except hatred from others and a sense of pointlessness.
TL;DR no one gives a shit. The world is like this because people don't give a shit. People never gave/give/or will give a shit. They are selfish creatures. If you're not selfish you will get treated like dirt. They have always been selfish, and will continue to be so long after you've left this shit show.
If I'm wrong tell me who got hanged for treason of revealing national secrets, because I missed it.
>i certainly will not fucking save you you
like it was going to happen anyway.
You don't get it. The world is like this for a reason. There is a reason Hillary isn't at the end of a rope. If you think she will be you're more naive than those who haven't taken their first redpill.
>you're fucking weak
Big words of ignorance echo loudly in a hollow chamber. One day you will understand, but that day will not be today.
>there wont be a USA if hillary isnt imprisoned or executed.
there wont be a USA that you recognize if hillary isnt imprisoned or executed.
There, fixed it for you.
Before Hillary is imprisoned there will be a false flag event to take your mind off it - just like there was 9/11 that made you forget about the rampant rabbit warren of corruption in Exxon.
When you've broken more discoveries on pizzagate and the deep state than you can remember to count and have been not only threatened but targeted by them - you might solve the riddle of why things are the way they are.
>The Birth Cert doesn't say "African American" like the section in red says.
True. However legitimate certificates of the period used "Negro" and were transitioning between "Colored", so those were the only two viable options - yet the birth certificate published by the Whitehouse has "African"
>What kind of puzzles me is why they had to go out of their way to find someone who wasn't born here. I'm sure the Deep State could have found a bunch of smooth talking communists to do their bidding.
His father is CIA / communist/ swinger/ pornographer & mother CIA.
He was born outside of the country, but is 100% deep state.
The Deep State doesn't see national borders as an issue like you do.
> they opened themselves up to all kinds of problems like birth certificate, pastor Wright, etc.
Problems? Like serving a two term presidency and retiring successfully? There are no "problems", it was extra blackmail material. Did you not notice how anytime Obama thought about going straight an intruder gained access to the Whitehouse?
>A person born in Africa has always been African.
No shit, but it wasn't put on birth certificates during that period. The certificate would have "Negro" or "Colored", never "African".
When your cup is filled with blackpills you'll understand anon, not before.
If you think that birth certificate is "wow" watch this one hour video proof of the forgery.
Infowars and a few other news outlets followed it at the time.
>Is this one legit?
There was an investigation done by an autist who tracked down people who knew of the delivery. There was a video about it at the time. That is a copy of what he came out of the registry office with.
>They did NOT call Africans colored or negro when they were African Citizens living there.
>The term negro or colored was used in USA
Learn to read yourself.
A native AFRICAN is a NEGRO.
The official birth certificate claims to be from USA. The only two terms that would have gone on the certificate at that time for his alleged AFRICAN father were "Negro" or "Colored". The fact it has "African" which was NEVER used is one of several points of forgery.
Thanks, point taken. There's still more than enough evidence for him to swing but he won't because it's all a shit show.
Who said it was a country? Or is that what you decided to infer was being said?