Anonymous ID: 46ce91 Aug. 12, 2024, 10:05 p.m. No.21403205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eph 3:1 For this causeG5484 G5127 IG1473 Paul,G3972 theG3588 prisonerG1198 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547 forG5228 youG5216 Gentiles,G1484

Eph 3:2 IfG1489 ye have heardG191 of theG3588 dispensationG3622 of theG3588 graceG5485 of GodG2316 which is givenG1325 meG3427 toG1519 you-ward:G5209

Eph 3:3 How thatG3754 byG2596 revelationG602 he made knownG1107 unto meG3427 theG3588 mystery;G3466 (asG2531 I wrote aforeG4270 inG1722 few words,G3641

Eph 3:4 Whereby,G4314 G3739 when ye read,G314 ye mayG1410 understandG3539 myG3450 knowledgeG4907 inG1722 theG3588 mysteryG3466 of Christ)G5547

Eph 3:5 WhichG3739 inG1722 otherG2087 agesG1074 was notG3756 made knownG1107 unto theG3588 sonsG5207 of men,G444 asG5613 it is nowG3568 revealedG601 unto hisG846 holyG40 apostlesG652 andG2532 prophetsG4396 byG1722 the Spirit;G4151

Eph 3:6 That theG3588 GentilesG1484 should beG1511 fellowheirs,G4789 andG2532 of the same body,G4954 andG2532 partakersG4830 of hisG846 promiseG1860 inG1722 ChristG5547 byG1223 theG3588 gospel:G2098

h 2:15 Who both killedG615 G2532 theG3588 LordG2962 Jesus,G2424 andG2532 their ownG2398 prophets,G4396 andG2532 have persecutedG1559 us;G2248 andG2532 they pleaseG700 notG3361 God,G2316 andG2532 are contraryG1727 to allG3956 men:G444

1Th 2:16 ForbiddingG2967 usG2248 to speakG2980 to theG3588 GentilesG1484 thatG2443 they might be saved,G4982 to fill upG378 theirG848 sinsG266 alway:G3842 forG1161 theG3588 wrathG3709 is comeG5348 uponG1909 themG846 toG1519 the uttermost.G5056

Ti 2:10 ThereforeG1223 G5124 I endureG5278 all thingsG3956 for the elect's sakes,G1223 G3588 G1588 thatG2443 theyG846 may alsoG2532 obtainG5177 the salvationG4991 whichG3588 is inG1722 ChristG5547 JesusG2424 withG3326 eternalG166 glory.G1391

2Ti 2:11 It is a faithfulG4103 saying:G3056 ForG1063 ifG1487 we be dead withG4880 him, we shall alsoG2532 live withG4800 him:

Rev 2:8 AndG2532 unto theG3588 angelG32 of theG3588 churchG1577 in SmyrnaG4668 write;G1125 These thingsG3592 saithG3004 theG3588 firstG4413 andG2532 theG3588 last,G2078 whichG3739 wasG1096 dead,G3498 andG2532 is alive;G2198

Rev 2:9 I knowG1492 thyG4675 works,G2041 andG2532 tribulation,G2347 andG2532 poverty,G4432 (butG1161 thou artG1488 rich)G4145 andG2532 I know theG3588 blasphemyG988 of them which sayG3004 theyG1438 areG1511 Jews,G2453 andG2532 areG1526 not,G3756 butG235 are the synagogueG4864 of Satan.G4567

Rev 2:10 FearG5399 noneG3367 of those things whichG3739 thou shaltG3195 suffer:G3958 behold,G2400 theG3588 devilG1228 shallG3195 castG906 some ofG1537 youG5216 intoG1519 prison,G5438 thatG2443 ye may be tried;G3985 andG2532 ye shall haveG2192 tribulationG2347 tenG1176 days:G2250 beG1096 thou faithfulG4103 untoG891 death,G2288 andG2532 I will giveG1325 theeG4671 a crownG4735 of life.G2222


17:05 tmely peace gn assassin