how sub human of you.
you are what you pretend to hate
so it's going to start orbiting through the solar north pole, south pole?
or the soil is all going to turn over? the continents will flip over ?
or it's going to pivot on an equatorial axis?
what do you even mean?
oh, ya, nothing.
you mean nothing except to try and say something that is scary and outragious.
changing the subject, aren't you.
you don't feel sorry when someone gets shot. Doesn't matter what your narrative is now. you're a beast with no compassion, by your own admission.
celebrating the felling of an enemy combantent ought not be gleeful.
also, once again you are changing the subject.
Is it that just enjoy when people suffer and your labeling them without trial is just your excuse to justify your barbaric lack of compassion?
'evil people': anon, people do evil, they themselves are made by God to be good but just get it wrong. They are good but do evil.
Killing them because you say they are evil doesn't ever give them a chance to reform and thus you are part of the cause of them falling off into purgatory.
so it is that you like to do the extra judicial execution?
both of you are doing an 'extra-judicial vigilanti' psyop and it's annoying.
this is a non-violent venue and your banter is merely here to defame the board.
you should stop it.
did I not say 'extra-judicial psyop'?
did you not even get the jist of what I am saying.
the 'vigilanti psyop' is tiring.
if it's a valid court and rule of law and death is the punishment for treason and someone is convicted of treason: the law exists for a reason and purpose.
Did I ever say that I go against the civil authority that follows through on the justice that treasonous people have meted out for themselves?
I do not like the death penalty, I admit it.
but if someone is so heinous as to get convicted of a capital offense I'm not a bleeding heart about it.
treason is a horrible thing and those who do it need to know the consequences of it.
I wouldn't be one to mete out that as a punishment, but I wouldn't be all 'oh, you brutes' is say a Hitler or Mussillini type were sentenced to die. I'd be sad that it had to come to that but . . . what they did was the cause of the sentence.
without courts and without a trial no one should be killed because someone thinks that that person is evil.
if it's in self-defense it's not murder.
I'm glad you don't support vigilantism.
if AI is necessary then AI should have a dual purpose:
to be AI, and do what AI does, but also as a heat source for heating living spaces.
oh well. It's not a capital offense if I got it wrong in my furvor to prosyltize against vigilantism.
admit it anon, there were 3 different people responding to me.
you can of course forgive me for what you imaigne as a slight against you.
you entered in the discussion and if I got it wrong as to who you were it's not a capital offense.
having such strong ideas about capital punishment, anon, I'm surprised you seem to display a thin-skinned-ness.
the solar panels should be on the dirigibles that one flies above the trees that tether to the car. The car won't have enough surface area.
you inserted yourself into a transaction merely to start in with this kind of tactic.
you're projecting, anon(?)
in a cold place where the temperatures go below zero in the Winter, batteries will not do it.
one can have battery powered cars in a city with a lot of infrastructure, or a place that's warm enough to keep the batteries warm enough.
really it comes down to this: different kinds of rigs for different kinds of environments.
the one claiming offense
seemed thin skinned to me, anon.
why are you inserting yourself into this discussion?
that makes 4 of you now tag teaming me.
that other one failed to be polite and I just told him how he seemed to me.
you keep scolding me for nothing.
I'm doing just what you do.
your scolding me is called projection.
I have a right to speak my mind and yet you try to invalidate my efforts.
when they start in with the insults
I assume I'm dealing with a shill.
but I still try to not just spew out a stream of pejoratives.
slow news days seem to make it worse.
repent means that you understand how you've been a sinner, you ask Jesus Christ to forgive you by either talking to him directly in prayer, or going through a mediator (a Catholic Priest, for example) and you agree to sin no more and you do penance, and often, if possible, you make reparations.
Confession is good for the soul.
I don't think you read what I wrote.
Did I not say that a priest is a mediator?
the priest will point you in the correct direction in how to repent.
if you don't feel that you need a priest, I understand that.
but the priest is there as a guide.
YOU have to do the repentance, the priest doesn't do it for you. But he does forgive your sins in the name of Jesus Christ after you do an honest and heart felt confession and will forgive you in the Name of Jesus Christ, give you pennance, and often times tell you how to mitigate your sin and do reparations.
If you are able to speak directly to Christ and feel that is good enough you do that, anon. I'm not telling you not to.
but don't tell me that a Priest doesn't help and offer a sacrament, because a priest does. And it's very useful and life affirming and what is good to do in order to get to the part where you are forgiven by Jesus Christ.
don't events in physics usually get described as 'waves'
it comes in, it goes out, it comes in, it goes out.
for the very very slow waves we imagine as humans that 'it's like this, it's always like this.
my point: if the wave phenomenae also include the supposed 'extent' of the universe maybe it's expanding now and eventually, over a very long time, it will seem to be contracting, and then, again, over a very long time, it will seem to be expanding again, and so on.
reading what you wrote.
you didn't read what I wrote all the way through, is my guess.
Jesus empowered His church.
you forget the part about Pentecost.
you only see what you want to see.
every person who is baptized is baptized by someone who already was.
no, anon, I can say He warned about those like you who can't be obediant or take any guidance, who think that they are the only ones with any insight and ignore tradition and the need for guidance.
your type are dividers. Everyone has to do everything all on their own in your world
where is the congregation?
where are the 'two or more' in His name?
No, anon, the 'by their fruits you shall know them' is a warning about those like you who try to make Christians into solitary creatures, without a congregation, with no holy guidance of holy elders and wise people gifted by the Holy Spirit.
your false narrative is obviously one of division, it's a divide and conquor mentality and makes life much much harder for Christians if they follow along with your misguidance
you go off into your masonic talking points.
I gave you an explanation and you put cotton in your ears.
You could invent copper smelting, copper pipe, hydrolics, and plumbing all on your own, right? and then go mine the metal and build the house all on your own without any help?
and then invent and build all the tools to do the work and plumb your house all alone, just you.
wait, no you can't.
so why, with the human soul, do you need to invent it all on your own and not ask for any guidance?
and if you look at it: your ideas are 'talking points' that you are trained to do either as a marxist or a free mason or a social-relativist.
you learned it from another person, you picked up your inquistiion talking points from other people.
but instead of you seeing 'huh all these unholy people trained me to hate Catholics without cause' you trash Catholics and go on and on and on about 'you don't need help to over come difficult issues of persistent sinning'
no, anon, you're a parrot and you sound like a parrot, what is known as a 'useful idiot' by your masters.
Get to a priest and start to learn something real.
I'm going to filter you now, as you behave as a time wasting troll and anti-religious parrot
PS: you aren't talking about Truth, you're just using a word that you have been trained to use by people are against Truth.
you use the word without knowing Truth.
by your fruits I see you as you appear.
you are divider and a false prophet.
when you devolve as you did into the only reason for your argument being 'Truth', it shows you don't know what Truth is.
again: you had teachers who taught you this whole apostate 'hate the priests' bit.
if you'd trusted priests you might have had a chance to learn real Truth and thus have charisms of the Holy Spirit.
instead you try to make people faithless and solitary.