Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.21406704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6745 >>6850 >>6865 >>7324

The Legacy Media is basically a branch of the Democrat Party


CBS reacts favorably to Kamala’s no tax on tips idea that she stole from Trump. They gave a negative take when Trump proposed it weeks earlier.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.21406716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6802 >>6970 >>7124 >>7184 >>7275 >>7284 >>7435

UAW files labor charges against Trump, Musk


The United Auto Workers Union said on Tuesday it has filed federal labor charges against Donald Trump and Tesla TSLA.O CEO Elon Musk over attempts to threaten and intimidate workers.


The action came after Musk and Trump held a two-hour conversation on social media platform X Monday night, during which the two discussed workers walking off the job to go on strike.


"You're the greatest cutter," Trump said during the conversation. "I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in, you just say: 'You want to quit?' They go on strike - I won't mention the name of the company - but they go on strike. And you say: 'That's okay, you're all gone.'"


The UAW has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for US president. She met with union officials and workers last week near Detroit.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21406759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6787 >>7364 >>7377

The sheeple are not aware that a Communist coup has taken place in the West. For example, Keir Starmer has been a card-carrying Communist for decades. Kamala Harris is a Communist. Free speech is being punished with jail. Westerners are being replaced by third-world migrants sapping resources and causing crime to soar. The MSM gaslights us and won't acknowledge that the "vaccine" is toxic.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.21406763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6770

"Keir Starmer is a Trotskyite Commie Jew - Like One of Orwell's Vile Commie Pigs


The Jewish Traditions that Starmer could Bring to Downing St


UK Labour Leader Starmer Opens Up about his Family's Jewish Traditions


UK's New PM Observes Shabbat, Supports Israel, & Vows to Fight Antisemitism

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.21406781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7184 >>7275 >>7435

Israeli Army Uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby-trapped Tunnels in Gaza


'Our lives are more important than their lives': Gazans not suspected of terrorism are detained and sent as human shields to search tunnels and houses before IDF soldiers enter, with the full knowledge of senior Israeli officers, several sources say; IDF claims this practice is forbidden


At first it's hard to recognize them. They're usually wearing Israeli army uniforms, many of them are in their 20s, and they're always with Israeli soldiers of various ranks.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21406791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7073

Globalists Outline World Govt Pathway: 75% Population Reduction, Global Truth Commission, Earth System Currency, Revised Un Charter


Unelected globalists want to rewrite the UN Charter so that it ‘could articulate the rules of a World Parliament‘ for ‘world citizens‘ with binding legislative & enforcement powers…


Unelected globalists want to rewrite the UN Charter so that it ‘could articulate the rules of a World Parliament‘ for ‘world citizens‘ with binding legislative & enforcement powers that eliminate State sovereignty: perspective

A Club of Rome and Council for the Human Future roundtable outlines a pathway towards a one world government by revising the United Nations Charter, along with an agenda to voluntarily reduce 75 percent of the human population, to create a global truth commission, and to establish an earth system currency.


On August 1, 2024 the Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future published a report on a Roundtable discussion they co-hosted in July.


The report, “Roundtable on the Human Future: A World Call to Action on the Multiple Crises Now Enfolding Humanity,” says that “all human life could be extinguished” in the mid-to-latter half of the 21st Century due to climate change, overpopulation, new pandemics, misinformation, nuclear proliferation, and other perceived threats.


One solution proposed by Global Governance Forum executive director Augusto Lopez-Claros was “to boost the UN´s democratic legitimacy” by rewriting the UN Charter in order to give the unelected globalist body more power, authority, and jurisdiction over sovereign nations.


Lopez-Claros is a former chief economist at the World Economic Forum (WEF), and he has held high-level positions at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


“Create an Earth System Council, giving the UN system the capacity to pass binding legislation to protect our planetary environmental system and the common goods it provides, with necessary enforcement mechanisms”


Augusto Lopez-Claros, Roundtable on the Human Future: A World Call To Action, July 2024

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21406819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6823

Paul Craig Roberts "My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can."


"America Is Entering End Times. A holocaust is coming your way. You are demonized and reduced to second-class citizenship.


You can be discriminated against in university admissions, employment and promotion. You are not allowed to defend your self from racist charges, because white self-defense is considered racist, as proof of racism. The position of a white gentile heterosexual male American today is the same as that of a Jew in Nazi Germany and a Palestinian in Gaza. There is always hope, but hope requires warriors. Does America have warriors, or only submissive wimps?

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21406829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel’s “Hit List” and Alleged “Information Terrorists”. Scott Ritter, Ali Abunimah, Al Mayadeen, …


What do Scott Ritter, Naser al-Laham, Ali Abunimah and Khaled Barakat have in common? They are all purveyors of truthful information (journalists/writers) about crimes committed by Israel and its Western allies. In an Orwellian inversion of reality, they are all dubbed “information terrorists,” thus becoming targets of repression or worse.


I begin with Scott Ritter, because he has recently articulated what “worse” means in this context. Scott Ritter is a former US Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union and is now an outspoken and widely watched critic of US foreign policy in Ukraine and Israel.


In a video clip broadcast on June 4th on Judging Freedom Podcast, he describes how, with the guidance and direction of the US State Department, Ukraine established a center for countering disinformation. That center now has a blacklist of “information terrorists” targeted for assassination. He and other Americans are on this hit list. Ritter goes on to say,


“… they said that an information terrorist must be hunted down and brought to justice the same way any terrorist would.


And I have been accused of saying things that make the Ukrainian government unhappy. They now say I must be hunted down and arrested, detained, killed as with any other terrorist in the world … with the US State Department’s support, [they] put out a weekly list that, you know, a weekly list where they say I am the number one of threat to truth.” (Minute 25:05 in the video below)


This is how we must understand what Israel is doing in renewing its ban on the broadcasts of Al Mayadeen Media Network, both visual and online. Israel has labeled the Network’s correspondents in Palestinian 1948 occupied territories and the occupied West Bank as “terrorists.” In a statement that describes the move as being, in itself, a form of terrorism, Al Mayadeen has this to say:


“The network emphasizes that labeling its correspondents in Palestinian 1948 occupied territories and the occupied West Bank as ‘terrorists’ is, in itself, a form of terrorism. Al Mayadeen warns against inflicting any harm on its journalists and asserts that it will not yield to any form of extortion or pressure, regardless of its impact or extent.


It is clear that the occupation views Al Mayadeen as an outlet that enjoys a strong presence and influence, exhibiting the utmost credibility and commitment to its morals. That is why the occupation reacts to the news outlet with a hysterical and puzzling degree of confusion when dealing with every word, image, and on-the-field presence, especially when Al Mayadeen contributes to quelling sedition, exposing and debunking lies, and calling out the crimes for what they are.”

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21406834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6848 >>7070

"We are billions of people. Let's just stand up and say stop. We will not comply."


Pascal Najadi, son of the WEF's co-founder, calls for the arrest of WEF members, citing their role in injecting a "bioweapon" into 5.7 billion people, from which he and his mother are now dying.


"It's a democide, and you'll be judged. It will be corrected in the name of humanity."

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21406841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WWIII Imminent? Globalists' War on Freedom Exposed


In a must-see new presentation, journalist Alex Newman exposes the Deep State's push for war and the establishment's love for the Chinese Communist Party.


From David Rockefeller's China obsession in the 70s to George Soros' exclamation that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) must "own" the New World Order to Clinton's "China Gate," Newman paints a vivid picture of the Deep State's ties to the CCP and how war would usher in a Great Reset that would eliminate individual and national sovereignty.


Ultimately, Newman argues, there is hope through returning to faith in the God of the Bible and adherence to the U.S. Constitution.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.21407024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wall Street Journal LYING about Hamas having ties to UNRWA: “Blood on their hands”


Multiple people are dead because of a deceptive report published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) back in January falsely claiming that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has ties to Hamas.


It was actually the New York Times that first published a report claiming that 12 UNRWA workers participated in the October 7 attack on southern Israel. The WSJ piggybacked that article by expanding it to include “intelligence reports” claiming that the entire UNRWA entity is a product of Hamas.


According to the WSJ, 10 percent of the agency’s 12,000 workers in Gaza have ties to a number of Palestinian armed groups. The U.S. government’s response has been to freeze all UNRWA funding, which prompted Germany, Great Britain and several other Western nations to do the same.


All in all, UNRWA is down about $450 million in funding due to the two reports from the WSJ and the NY Times. UNRWA, mind you, is the number-one source of funding for Palestinian refugees not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.21407039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Ways To Inoculate Your Children Against Marxism


In 2007, President George W. Bush dedicated a memorial in Washington DC to the 100 million people murdered by communism over the past century. Here is a portion of what he offered in remembrance of those victims:


“They include innocent Ukrainians starved to death in Stalin’s Great Famine or Russians killed in Stalin’s purges; Lithuanians and Latvians and Estonians loaded onto cattle cars and deported to Arctic death camps of Soviet communism. They include Chinese killed in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution; Cambodians slain in Pol Pot’s Killing Fields; East Germans shot attempting to scale the Berlin Wall in order to make it to freedom; Poles massacred in the Katyn Forest and Ethiopians slaughtered in the ‘Red Terror’; Miskito Indians murdered by Nicaragua’s Sandinista dictatorship; and Cuban balseros who drowned escaping tyranny.”


This horrific record doesn’t include the countless millions who were imprisoned, tortured, or saw their dreams and potentialities ruined by Marxism. Yet not only do countries like China and North Korea remain communist, but here in the West, where we should know better by now, we have professors, teachers, corporate personnel, politicians, and ordinary citizens who salute the Red Star. They may not answer to the name of Marxist, but they go along with the movement.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.21407057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7224

This is retarded you either believe or you don't the bible pretty clear on that!




"For those people that don't believe in God, I think we've gotta all start," Trump said.


The deep state is trying to shut this conversation down!


Share to make it go viral!

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.21407069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7184 >>7275 >>7435

Harris Campaign Busted Spoofing News Outlets In Headline-Altering Ad Scheme


Upon hearing the news, The Guardian lost their shit, telling Axios: "While we understand why an organization might wish to align itself with the Guardian's trusted brand, we need to ensure it is being used appropriately and with our permission. We'll be reaching out to Google for more information about this practice."


The ads include links to real articles from the outlets, however the headlines and supporting text were altered.


Spokespeople for other spoofed outlets such as CNN, USA Today and NPR, said they had no idea their brand was being featured this way.


Examples include The Independent UK, NPR, AP, The Guardian, USA Today, PBS, CNN, CBS News, Time and others, including local outlets like North Dakota radio station WDAY Radio.


For example, an ad that ran alongside an article from The Guardian shows a headline that reads "VP Harris Fights Abortion Bans - Harris Defends Repro Freedom" and then includes supporting text underneath the headline that reads, "VP Harris is a champion for reproductive freedom and will stop Trump's abortion bans."

An ad featuring a link to an NPR story reads, "Harris Will Lower Health Costs," with supporting text that says, "Kamala Harris will lower the cost of high-quality affordable health care."

For example:

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21407093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7193

NY Times: Feds Accelerating Naturalization Of Immigrants To "Reshape The Electorate"


The New York Times reports that the federal government is accelerating the naturalization of immigrants in America as part of a process of “reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election,” according to one observer quoted in the piece.


“The federal government is processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade, moving rapidly through a backlog that built up during the Trump administration and the coronavirus pandemic,” reports the newspaper.


One Honduran woman marveled at the fact that authorities were able to process and approve her application in as little as six months.


The story highlights how many of these new citizens will immediately become eligible to vote in key battleground states, including Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.


The piece includes a very revealing quote from Xiao Wang, chief executive of Boundless, a data analysis company.


“The surge in naturalization efficiency isn’t just about clearing backlogs; it’s potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election,” said Wang.


“Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.21407166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180

Tech’s most mysterious and controversial new account followed me on X. Is it the Antichrist?


Rumors are swirling that a radically advanced version of AI is breaking loose.

Is it a bot? Is it a person? The internet can’t say for sure, and techies are going nuts arguing over it all. Meet @iruletheworldmo — an out-of-nowhere account that almost immediately drew replies from the likes of Sam Altman due to its seemingly acute insider knowledge of impending breakthroughs in so-called “Artificial General Intelligence,” or, more portentous still, so-called “Artificial Superintelligence.”


But what could be more powerful an inducement to give in to that temptation than a 'digital god' built to provide a massive, never-ending, immersive simulation of just those feelings and experiences?


Deep dives into the mysterious provenance of @iruletheworldmo are already out there. Check out Digital Heresy’s trip down the rabbit hole for a (relatively) quick primer, which begins with this basic info:


WTF is this Q* shit

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:14 p.m. No.21407189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7215 >>7275 >>7386 >>7435

Experts say bank collapse is coming after zelle payment conspiracy scandal rocks major banks world wide


The agency is responding to complaints that the banks don’t do enough to stop illicit transfers and especially scams, which are technically defined as someone being duped into authorizing a fraudulent transaction.


Investigators are also exploring whether the three lenders, which are the largest owner banks of Zelle, are doing enough to vet their customers and terminate scam accounts.


The Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations recently found the three banks reimbursed victims who reported Zelle scams 38% of the time in 2023, a decline from 62% in 2019.


The subcommittee also says the three banks have collectively refused to reimburse $880 million in disputed Zelle transactions between 2021 and 2023.


Over the summer, Zelle began requiring its banks to reimburse some scams in select circumstances, like when someone impersonates a lender or the government.


At a Senate hearing on the matter, Cameron Fowler, CEO of Zelle’s parent company Early Warning Services, said over 99.9% of Zelle transactions are executed without any report of fraud, and the rate at which fraudulent Zelle transactions are reimbursed is not as important as the crimes themselves.


“We need to get focused on the criminals who are perpetrating this. Whole of society, across industry, across government solutions are an important next step…


Increasing reimbursements won’t solve this problem. We already lead the industry in reimbursements.”

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:19 p.m. No.21407205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7275 >>7435

Report: IDF using Amazon cloud to store intel on 'everyone' in Gaza


America's tech giant allows Israel to store massive amounts of data, some which has even been used in air strikes


Information Systems unit — which provides data processing for the whole military — spoke at a conference titled “IT for IDF” in Rishon Lezion, near Tel Aviv. In her address to an audience of about 100 military and industrial personnel, of which +972 Magazine and Local Call obtained a recording, Col. Racheli Dembinsky confirmed publicly for the first time that the Israeli army is using cloud storage and artificial intelligence services provided by civilian tech giants in its ongoing onslaught on the Gaza Strip. In Dembinsky’s lecture slides, the logos of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure appeared twice.


Cloud storage is a means of preserving large amounts of digital data off-site, often on servers that are managed by a third-party provider. Dembinsky initially explained that her army unit, known by its Hebrew acronym Mamram, already used an “operational cloud” hosted on internal military servers, rather than on public clouds run by civilian companies. She described this internal cloud as a “weapons platform,” which includes applications for marking targets for bombings, a portal for viewing live footage from UAVs over Gaza’s skies, as well as fire, command, and control systems.


But with the onset of the Israeli army’s ground invasion of Gaza in late October 2023, she continued, the internal military systems quickly became overloaded due to the enormous number of soldiers and military personnel who were added to the platform as users, causing technical problems that threatened to slow down Israel’s military functions.The first attempt to solve the problem, Dembinsky explained, involved activating all the available spare servers in the army’s warehouses and setting up another data center — but it wasn’t enough. They decided they needed to “go outside, to the civilian world.” According to her, cloud services offered by major tech firms allowed the army to purchase unlimited storage and processing servers at the click of a button, without the obligation to physically store the servers in the army’s computer centers.


But the “most important” advantage that the cloud companies provided, Dembinsky said, was their advanced capabilities in artificial intelligence. “The crazy wealth of services, big data and AI — we’ve already reached a point where our systems really need it,” she said with a smile. Working with these companies, she added, has granted the military “very significant operational effectiveness” in the Gaza Strip.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21407227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7234 >>7239 >>7275 >>7435

Is this the Australian FF?


Ten-year-old girl found dead with throat slashed at home in Carrara, Queensland, with police investigation underway


Police are investigating after a young girl was found dead on the Gold Coast with her throat slashed.


Police have described the scene where a 10-year-old girl was found dead on the Gold Coast with her throat slashed as "traumatic".


Emergency services were called to a home at Emerald Lakes, Carrara just after 6pm on Tuesday where they found the child.


It is understood one of the girl’s parents made the discovery.


A crime scene has been declared with the street blocked off by police.


Speaking at a media conference on Tuesday night,Queensland Police Inspector Lou Serafimdescribed the scene as “traumatic”.

Anonymous ID: 993096 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:30 p.m. No.21407242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7286

Palestinian “rape confession”: Another obscene Jewish fabrication


This investigation will expose the videos, and the Western media coverage of them, as yet another cynical example of Israeli propaganda designed to manufacture support for Tel Aviv’s assault on the Gaza Strip.


Alleged “confessions” by two Palestinians in Israeli custody filmed seemingly admitting to multiple rapes, murders, and kidnappings on October 7, do not match the events of that day, are contradicted by copious evidence, and were likely coerced through torture. US and British media are running with the stories regardless.