Anonymous ID: 03367e July 13, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.2140962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0974

so…. a few thousand "protestors" either paid, or severely left minded individuals in the streets of a left wing city, outside the usa with no voting powers, when they should be at WORK at 3pm.


kek, sign on fox just said full blown just fuck off, exactly my thoughts on those protestors.

Anonymous ID: 03367e July 13, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.2141060   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fully agree. If we took to the streets….that whole 4-6% really would be unsaveable…


Still feel like other countries do outnumber leftists, otherwise brexit wouldnt have went through.


Personally, I'd like to know why they arent at work. Also, the left does things like this, they cry wolf, they bitch, they get loud, they attack us if we're grossly outnumbered. But id literally bet my own life they'd go away REAL fast if we came out or stuff got real. Not only does the right not have the time for it, we are the silent majority, we stay silent and cast our votes until that stops working, then we will openly exercise 1776 v.2.0.


Easy to organize a crowd in a left wing large city. Try that shit out in the country. The uk on the other hand, well, they arent allowed to defend themselves.