Statistically, she is supposed to have a mental illness.
Oh well, what a great place the globohomo is for starting a nuclear family. It's not like they are trying to kill the nuclear family or something..
Statistically, she is supposed to have a mental illness.
Oh well, what a great place the globohomo is for starting a nuclear family. It's not like they are trying to kill the nuclear family or something..
Well, you can't wish them a good evening by saying "who the fuck is allah?". Jailtime then fren ok m8 no h8 c u l8r
there is more processed effect-purposed-chemicals in that jar alone than in an oceanic oilrig. Enjoy being a statistical canarie-bird for modern chemical experiments.
Remember fellas.
Happy man - Gods Plan!
You are his purpose, his strength and you are beautiful in your own way. Never give up and never let globohomo bring you down. You matter and you are more important than you know.
Women are beneath men. You are made in gods image. Russia will win. Trump will win. And the good side will prevail.
Now when EU is threatening US companies for following the constitution. Why won't elon, the zuck and google ally to protect the constitution?
I wonder how much they paid him for that post.
i wonder how many times this fag got bribed into threatening politicians like this. How much has he made by meddling in entire countries elections?
NBC did her bad
I bet he's gonna start threatening pro-gun activists next and then subvert the 2nd amendment too.
Absolute state of the Globo and the Homo.
(Sodom and Gomorra)
What a safe and clean place it must be to live there.
Luckily there are still forces in the world for good conservation, preservation and survival. Preservative Forces always win.
Daily reminder that abortion is literally murder and women that kill babies this are no different than those that kill elderly.
State Enforced Infanticide is genocide. All women that are guilty of infanticide must be tried before the court.
The left is setting him on fire.
How do we make him join our cause? Can we recruit him and turn him into elons protegรฉ?
how do we turn california red? Whats the next step?
No other plan than that? Nothing more concrete? How about we start with defeating reddit. Surely that counts as leftist media?
Not only should we ban abortion and criminalize it as murder, but we should also go forward with state enforced insemination.
arab faggot moves to europe and demands more!!
is it possible to cure a country once it gets infested with extreme pedoprogressive globohomo?
We need to find out. Is that corrupt EU faggot going to fuck his own face or not? Its a good question.
Surely the globohomo supports such things, no?
which one of the biden doubles do you think will come to his aide?
the tall one will be missed the most..
so when are ukranians going to rise up against the tyrants and globohomo running ukraine into obliteration?
seems like nazis and jews get along well these days
women that vote are whores
>tires that aren't uv resistant are made by homosexuals.
Who knew the talibans were capable of such bantz