Anonymous ID: 198396 Aug. 14, 2024, 12:12 p.m. No.21411658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1660 >>1676 >>1686


MOS Months

MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army)

MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

MOS Microsoft Office Specialist

MOS Mean Opinion Score

MOS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club)

MOS Museum of Science (Boston, MA)

MOS Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)

MOS Man On the Street (type of interview)

MOS Margin of Safety

MOS Manual of Style

MOS Mates of State (band)

MOS My Oracle Support (software)

MOS Mambo Open Source

MOS Miracle of Science (science fiction)

MOS Material On Site

MOS Medical Outcomes Study

MOS Moment of Silence

MOS Motorways of the Sea (EU)

MOS Model Output Statistics

MOS Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)

MOS Master Operating System

MOS Magneto Optic Storage

MOS Mobile Office System

MOS Mission Operation System

MOS Minimum Operating System

MOS Mobile Office Support

MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor

MOS Managed Objects

MOS Multiuser Operating System

MOS Multiprogramming Operating System

MOS Modular Optical Scanner

MOS Mobile Office Suite

MOS Management Operating System

MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon

MOS Motor Operated Switch

MOS Made of Steel

MOS Mission Operations System (US NASA)

MOS Military One Source (US DoD)

MOS Member of the Opposite Sex

MOS Medical Office Specialist

MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)

MOS Mobile Operating System

MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron

MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)

MOS Multi-Object Spectrograph

MOS Marine Observation Satellite

MOS Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)

MOS Macintosh Operating System

MOS Media Object Server

MOS Multi-Object Spectrometer

MOS Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)

MOS Married out of Society (Quaker religion)

MOS Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)

MOS Mu Online Server

MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)

MOS Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)

MOS Make Out Session

MOS Matter of Size

MOS Manual of Standards

MOS Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

MOS Monthly Operational Summary

MOS Managed Office Solutions (UK)

MOS Member of Service (police)

MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)

MOS Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)

MOS Mission of Service

MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery

MOS Minimum Operating Strip

MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)

MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe)

MOS Margin on Services (insurance)

MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)

MOS Method of Statement

MOS Mode Of Shipment

MOS Mini Operating System

MOS Major Operating System

MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor

MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)

MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school)

MOS Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)

MOS Military Occupation Skill

MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society

MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)

MOS Method Of Supply

MOS Mobility Operations School

MOS My Own Science (education program)

MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA)

MOS Metal Oxide Substrate

MOS Managed Operations Services (various companies)

MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)

MOS Maintenance Out of Service

MOS Manually Operated Switch (railroads)

MOS Minimum Operating Standard

MOS Maritime Observation Satellite

MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)

MOS Mute on Sound

MOS Manned Orbital Station

MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity

MOS Maintenance Override Switch

MOS Marked Out of Stock

MOS Management Operations Staff

MOS Marine Occupational Standard

MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee

MOS Manual Observing System

MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)

MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc.

MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)

MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability

MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting)

MOS Madonna of the Streets

MOS MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)

MOS Material Ordering Schedule

MOS Materials Ordering System

MOS Military Obligated Service

MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence

MOS Mission Operational Specialty

MOS Morph Operating System

MOS Main Object Size

MOS Multifunctional Operator System

MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)

MOS Movable Oil Saturation

MOS Monitor Only Stations

MOS Manually Out of Service

MOS Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)

MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore)