Anonymous ID: fbd232 Aug. 14, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.21411335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1337

Q RESEARCH - Night Shift proudly presents the CANNABIS FREEDOM PROJECT


Just kidding!

That sound's way too important…


In the following pages we will discuss, like normal anon's might discuss… not meticulously noted and sourced, as is our stock and trade but by simply utilizing the known open source data concerning Cannabis and how the plant and the people can become truly free in their symbiotic relationship.

A link or two or 10!


It is with disdain and contempt one must look back upon the Dark and injurious superstitions of the past.

Only via the well disciplined use of Discernment, Logic, Reason and Courage does mankind escape the prison of his own design.

Night Shift



Ok FYI: so weed is RECREATIONALLY legal in many U.S. States now and more have at least some MEDICAL program and it was primarily won via the argument "LIKE ALCOHOL".


Yes… Logic and Reason won over dark superstition based upon nothing and/or fear, greed etc etc et al and thus rejoice!

Yes… The People had to be shown the plain and extremely contradictory nature of the argument "WEED/MARIJUANA/CANNABIS should AT LEAST be treated like ALCOHOL!"

Alcohol… The actual Poison which kills Millions not counting the many "accidents" and other sundry ways Alcohol kills.

LIKE ALCOHOL was the debate platform and along the way just so happened to come a scourge of HEROIN followed by OPIATES followed again by HEROIN and then FENTANYL.


Oh we all got to see who the REAL [DRUG] dealers are and yetDonald J Trump'final position on Cannabis, as far as my research goes, was?

Yes… it seems okay "MEDICALLY" but we "NEED MORE STUDIES" and "WE NEED TO BE CAUTIOUS".


No, Sir!


What (WE THE PEOPLE) need is for something so beneficial as CANNABIS to be taken away from the CORPORATE BASTARDS that are being allowed to MONOPOLIZE CANNABIS currently…

And make it a Cottage Industry where any and all Americans can plug into it…

A system where Ma and Pa can securely and cheaply have their CROP tested and entered into a National Sales System.

Even shit weed can be used to make medicine.

It is beyond Medicine.

When the fat lady sings on Cannabis… the active ingredients will be seen as VITAMINS and all those who fought hard against it will be seen as Idiots or maybe even EVIL.

Mark it down!

Get with the fucking program!




FUCK KAMALA! I don't give a fuck about Kamala!




The Two primary and currently most understood active ingredients in Cannabis are THC and CBD: It appears that mankind has CANNABIS THC and CBD receptor sites all over our brains and bodies! What a coincidence!

THE SCIENCE has been ongoing in places where the U.S. was not that successful in exporting it's DRUG POLICY and everything that is being learned points to CANNABIS PROHIBITION as nefarious instead of stupid.

NEFARIOUS - Look up the word and/or SEE: EVIL.


It is not a "whoopsies" that Cannabis was and still is REPRESSED, no.

It is a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and FOX News… Tucker, Jesse and a buncha of other clown whore's parade around for BIG PHARMA = BAD!! VERY FUCKING BAD!!!


I hope you do as this is just one of many things that is NOT going away anytime soon.


On a side note… 1 in 35 is AUTISTIC now? and it's not the fucking [CHARTS AND GRAPHS] and/or "THEY ARE LYING VIA STATISTICS!" Bullshit that you fuckers spew endlessly, no!

It's real and you spend 10X, 100X more time criticizing POT like good clowns instead of even approaching what is causing the Autism rates to skyrocket like perhaps Chemicals from DOW or DUPONT!


You are all very lucky that the person you have come to know of as NIGHT SHIFT is not ultimately in charge…


OK OK… I'm cool! I'm cool…


Millions of American's incarcerated.

Good people put into prisons while the JEFFREY EPSTEIN's of the world get's a deal.


This subject makes NIGHT SHIFT sick.

If you don't like being classified as APES… Stopping acting like Apes.


How fucking dumb are you anyways?

How fucking mentally enslaved?


I'm cool!


Anonymous ID: fbd232 Aug. 14, 2024, 10:56 a.m. No.21411341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346

Q RESEARCH - Night Shift proudly presents the CANNABIS FREEDOM PROJECT


Just kidding!

That sound's way too important…


In the following pages we will discuss, like normal anon's might discuss… not meticulously noted and sourced, as is our stock and trade but by simply utilizing the known open source data concerning Cannabis and how the plant and the people can become truly free in their symbiotic relationship.

A link or two or 10!


It is with disdain and contempt one must look back upon the Dark and injurious superstitions of the past.

Only via the well disciplined use of Discernment, Logic, Reason and Courage does mankind escape the prison of his own design.

Night Shift



Ok FYI: so weed is RECREATIONALLY legal in many U.S. States now and more have at least some MEDICAL program and it was primarily won via the argument "LIKE ALCOHOL".


Yes… Logic and Reason won over dark superstition based upon nothing and/or fear, greed etc etc et al and thus rejoice!

Yes… The People had to be shown the plain and extremely contradictory nature of the argument "WEED/MARIJUANA/CANNABIS should AT LEAST be treated like ALCOHOL!"

Alcohol… The actual Poison which kills Millions not counting the many "accidents" and other sundry ways Alcohol kills.

LIKE ALCOHOL was the debate platform and along the way just so happened to come a scourge of HEROIN followed by OPIATES followed again by HEROIN and then FENTANYL.


Oh we all got to see who the REAL [DRUG] dealers are and yetDonald J Trump'final position on Cannabis, as far as my research goes, was?

Yes… it seems okay "MEDICALLY" but we "NEED MORE STUDIES" and "WE NEED TO BE CAUTIOUS".


No, Sir!


What (WE THE PEOPLE) need is for something so beneficial as CANNABIS to be taken away from the CORPORATE BASTARDS that are being allowed to MONOPOLIZE CANNABIS currently…

And make it a Cottage Industry where any and all Americans can plug into it…

A system where Ma and Pa can securely and cheaply have their CROP tested and entered into a National Sales System.

Even shit weed can be used to make medicine.

It is beyond Medicine.

When the fat lady sings on Cannabis… the active ingredients will be seen as VITAMINS and all those who fought hard against it will be seen as Idiots or maybe even EVIL.

Mark it down!

Get with the fucking program!




FUCK KAMALA! I don't give a fuck about Kamala!




The Two primary and currently most understood active ingredients in Cannabis are THC and CBD: It appears that mankind has CANNABIS THC and CBD receptor sites all over our brains and bodies! What a coincidence!

THE SCIENCE has been ongoing in places where the U.S. was not that successful in exporting it's DRUG POLICY and everything that is being learned points to CANNABIS PROHIBITION as nefarious instead of stupid.

NEFARIOUS - Look up the word and/or SEE: EVIL.


It is not a "whoopsies" that Cannabis was and still is REPRESSED, no.

It is a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and FOX News… Tucker, Jesse and a buncha of other clown whore's parade around for BIG PHARMA = BAD!! VERY FUCKING BAD!!!


I hope you do as this is just one of many things that is NOT going away anytime soon.


On a side note… 1 in 35 is AUTISTIC now? and it's not the fucking [CHARTS AND GRAPHS] and/or "THEY ARE LYING VIA STATISTICS!" Bullshit that you fuckers spew endlessly, no!

It's real and you spend 10X, 100X more time criticizing POT like good clowns instead of even approaching what is causing the Autism rates to skyrocket like perhaps Chemicals from DOW or DUPONT!


You are all very lucky that the person you have come to know of as NIGHT SHIFT is not ultimately in charge…


OK OK… I'm cool! I'm cool…


Millions of American's incarcerated.

Good people put into prisons while the JEFFREY EPSTEIN's of the world get's a deal.


This subject makes NIGHT SHIFT sick.

If you don't like being classified as APES… Stopping acting like Apes.


How fucking dumb are you anyways?

How fucking mentally enslaved?


I'm cool!