Anonymous ID: f42f64 Aug. 15, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.21416357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6368 >>6416



Dr Hillman offers NO THEORIES.

He simply tells you what the Bible says in its' original Greek language as opposed to the English translation we are all familiar with.

His translation of the Greek is supported by the most famous Greek/English Lexicon in the world (the LSJ) the which anyone can check to ensure he is not making anything up.

He offers No THEORIES, just FACTS.

The cold hard facts of the New Testament say Jesus was a drug-pushing, pedo, pimp and Child Trafficker and that was the real reason he was arrested and crucified by the Romans.

There is far more to this than just sex and drug cults in early Christianity but that is the jist of Dr Hillman's work.

An absolute MUST DIG if you want to know the truth about Jesus, early Christianity and how that has manifested in today's culture.

No wonder we have so many pedos in the church today - and why the elites are all Satanists - they are carrying on the original tradition started by Jesus.

Anonymous ID: f42f64 Aug. 15, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.21416452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6478


I've watched over 125 hours of his videos on Youtube (Lady Babylon) He is a very tough watch because of his presentation style, which is partly "performance art," and the fact that he acts and sounds like he is high as a kite. He also goes off on wild tangents which would be annoying and confusing for a novice. Luckily for me I have in-depth knowledge of Bronze-Age Cults which he speaks of but even then it's tough to wade through.

Excellent stuff though. This guy deserves to be heard and taken seriously after 30 years in the academic wilderness.

One BIG problem though for Anons though - he hates Trump, mainly because he hates Christianity even more and Trump holds up the Bible and often confirms his faith, especially after the "shooting incident."

Anonymous ID: f42f64 Aug. 15, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21416531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6542


I agree. Anons should keep an open mind about everything, difficult as that is.

The elites are in a Satanic cult but not everything about that is to be despised and classed as evil.

Equally, Christianity's iron-fist attitude to dissenters over the centuries has a lot to answer for. So, regardless of a person's "faith," this needs to be recognized and taken into account if (as Hillman believes) this is to become the "State religion" under a Trump Administration.