Anonymous ID: 03590f Aug. 15, 2024, 2:14 p.m. No.21417917   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7920



Evidence of Ancient Extraterrestrial Invasions Found in Holy Bible and Historical Texts


Paul Walis: "The one I give particular attention to in โ€œThe Invasion of Edenโ€ are the stories of the arrival of the Moโ€™o in what today is Hawaii and so just like the stories of the Elohim in the Bible, we've got these advanced beings who turn up and they cancel all the previous patents of land ownership and economy. The land is now theirs. They divide it among themselves. The people are now their tenants who owe them rents and who work for them and so this new sort of feudalized system is imposed on the ancient people of Hawaii and Society changes its shape from one that's been fought for, but they've arrived at a place where they coexist through peace treaties, everyone knows who lives where there is a culture of collaboration and partnership. that's all gone, uh everything is now feudalized with the Moโ€™o at the top creaming off all the top resources, being paid now by the people they're governing because they've instituted a money system. Now the story of the arrival of the Moโ€o is really Illuminating because the conquerors create the money, and then because the people are now tenants, they have to work for money. They can't work for themselves anymore. They can't be self-sufficient. They have to work for money so they can pay their taxes in money, and so the people's time is given a certain money value and then year on year the money is devalued, which progressively enslaves the people. They have to work harder and harder just to have the same resources to live in the same kind of home, to have the same amount of food.Tell that story in enough detail and you begin to realize it's our world that's being described."