The door is open
The Rain is not Imminent
No Storm Clouds yet
Trump is calling out Cabala's failures
Forcing the Mocking Bird Media to run cover for her
Get the popcorn ready
Not only did the Prices Increase
They Shrunk the Volume of Product per unit
It's really Quadruple those numbers
a Beautiful number
Oh Boy
Mocking Bird Media is going to be Busy tonight
"trump told a Billion Lies"
CNN Cuts away when Trump starts talking about Illegals doing crime
CNN Don't like their viewers hearing that Illegals are Criminals
Foreign Criminals from Jails & Mental institutions are being Dumped into America
CNN: CUT CUT CUT! Goto Commercial, Bring in the Panel to debunk
Mocking Bird Media in Full Spin Mode
Mocking Brid Media has Taken the Bait
Trump can Play them like a Fiddle
Dance monkey Dance!
I can hear it Now
Trump gave a Press conference and he spoke for an hour
Normally press conferences have a short statement then questions
But trump turned it into a Rally
He's so racist & far-right
Here! Here!
God Bless the Police
He's doing Press Conference's to bait Cabala into doing a Press Conference
I hope she takes the Bait
Trumps still talking
While Mocking Bird Media is Pushing the Jews are bad narrative
>And maybe it's we want to save the world.
God Puts people in my Path for me to speak with
For every 99/100, they are coming around
there is that 1 though, you just have to plant seeds and wait on them
I Want the Country to be Unified
It Starts with "Do Not Comply"
Trump Tricks Fake News to Cover a Rally by Calling it a press Conference
His audience is Pro-Hamas & Antifaโฆ.
CNN Cut's Feedwhen Trump mentions that Biden Got $3.5 Million from Moscow Mayors Wife for approving the Nordstream pipeline in Russia that trump Killed
According to CNN Cutting Feed
They don't want the viewers to know about
-Migrant Crime, murder, loot & rapes
-Biden's Quid Pro Quo Pay to Play schemes