The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
President Biden,
Following Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel, it is reckless for the United States to continue
funding the United Nations while Iran abuses its position on several UN committees, conferences,
and forums. Iran chairs the UN Conference on Disarmament and the UN Human Rights Council
Social Forum and was elected as the Rapporteur of the UN Committee on Disarmament and
International Security.
In 2022, the U.S. was the largest donor to the UN, accounting for $18 billion and approximately
one-third of the organization’s budget. Withholding all funds to the UN would send an
unmistakable message to the rest of the world that the U.S. stands with Israel and supports peace
across the globe.
We request that you immediately withhold all funding for the UN until Iran is completely removed
from the organization.
Thank you,
Paul Teller Gary Marx
Executive Director President
Advancing American Freedom Concord Fund
Gary Bauer Peter Doran
President Senior Adjunct Fellow
American Values Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Sarah Stern Shea Bradley-Farrell.PhD
Founder and President President
The Endowment for Middle East Truth Counterpoint Institute
Jim Pfaff Andrew White
President CEO
The Conservative Caucus Palisad