Anonymous ID: e09476 Aug. 15, 2024, 6:04 p.m. No.21419573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GasLighting Intensifies Edition

pistol packin rep o7 moar


Rev_14:10 The sameG846 shall(G2532) drinkG4095 ofG1537 theG3588 wineG3631 of theG3588 wrathG2372 of God,G2316 which is poured outG2767 without mixtureG194 intoG1722 theG3588 cupG4221 of hisG848 indignation;G3709 andG2532 he shall be tormentedG928 withG1722 fireG4442 andG2532 brimstoneG2303 in the presenceG1799 of theG3588 holyG40 angels,G32 andG2532 in the presenceG1799 of theG3588 Lamb:G721

Rev_15:1 AndG2532 I sawG1492 anotherG243 signG4592 inG1722 heaven,G3772 greatG3173 andG2532 marvellous,G2298 sevenG2033 angelsG32 havingG2192 theG3588 sevenG2033 lastG2078 plagues;G4127 forG3754 inG1722 themG846 is filled upG5055 theG3588 wrathG2372 of God.G2316

Rev_15:6 AndG2532 theG3588 sevenG2033 angelsG32 cameG1831 out ofG1537 theG3588 temple,G3485 havingG2192 theG3588 sevenG2033 plagues,G4127 clothedG1746 in pureG2513 andG2532 whiteG2986 linen,G3043 andG2532 having their(G4012) breastsG4738 girdedG4024 with goldenG5552 girdles.G2223

Rev_15:7 AndG2532 oneG1520 ofG1537 theG3588 fourG5064 beastsG2226 gaveG1325 unto theG3588 sevenG2033 angelsG32 sevenG2033 goldenG5552 vialsG5357 fullG1073 of theG3588 wrathG2372 of God,G2316 who livethG2198 for ever and ever.G1519 G165 G165

Rev_15:8 AndG2532 theG3588 templeG3485 was filledG1072 with smokeG2586 fromG1537 theG3588 gloryG1391 of God,G2316 andG2532 fromG1537 hisG848 power;G1411 andG2532 no manG3762 was ableG1410 to enterG1525 intoG1519 theG3588 temple,G3485 tillG891 theG3588 sevenG2033 plaguesG4127 of theG3588 sevenG2033 angelsG32 were fulfilled.G5055

flesh is weak spirit is strong newscum peace