Anonymous ID: 93fc3f Aug. 15, 2024, 8:08 p.m. No.21420270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The fuck? (@ the subject, Not POTUS):

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump “ART OF THE SURGE: ucker Carlson Network to release 'The Donald Trump Comeback'” Aug 15, 2024, 3:06 PM


So our President is going to 'comeback' as (Mr.) "Donald Trump", perhaps concentrating on even more epic buildings and golf courses – and "comeback" from where, exactly? The secret hole where *popular talking heads has kept him AND his life's history hidden all these years?


Are we to believe that quite possibly the most popular man on the planet is “surging” now? Wow, does this mean POTUS’ Rallies will be (even more) overflowing, like into neighboring states & zip codes when he magically appears before the masses who were glued to Hunter’s Slandering Hateful loverboy every night on FAUX instead of his Rallies? How about people POTUS encounters suddenly LIKING HIM!! when he was literally a “bullshitting blowhard” hitler before, with a Sweaty Chatroom of 300 million all focused” only on him, and NOT this Country’s issues?

Watched a few seconds of one of the clips POTUS Truthed yesterday; reckon that piece will show POTUS being EXACTLY THE SAME HE’S ALWAYS BEEN backstage and whereEVER he’s encountered everyday people ALL HIS LIFE but only now, it will be presented as Earth-shattering discoveries & revelations regarding this "SURGING" man, and all of “conservative” pravda will go on a blitz over it – because of ucker. (Don't ever see Pearson Sharp.) Oh well, with Rigged2020 in the dust, must be “safe” to air it; The Great, Warm & Affectionate bidens will understand, and don't care so much anymore.