Anonymous ID: d1a574 Aug. 15, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.21420330   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AAF: Calling Balls and Strikes on the RNC Platform

GOOD: Calls for making the Trump-Pence Tax Cuts permanent, unleashing American energy,

securing the border, and ending overregulation.

• Calls for a Reaganesque peace through strength foreign policy approach to “end global chaos” (7)

• Pledges to stop men from participating in women’s sports. (15)

• Opposes packing the Supreme Court. (15)

• Supports “Universal School Choice in every State in America.” (13)

• Endorses revitalizing marriage and the beauty of families by ending anti-family policies. (14)

• Prevents taxpayer funded schools from promoting “gender transitions.

” (15)

BAD: Supports tariffs, fails to address China’s quest for global domination, removes previous

language supporting Ukraine and Taiwan.

• Supports broad-based tariffs against “foreign producers,” including allies, and rejects a

fundamental tenet of free trade. (11)

o AAF MEMO: A universal 10% tariff is estimated to cost 505k American jobs and more

than $300BB a year.

• Mentions China just 4x without a clear plan to confront our greatest geopolitical foe.

• The only mention of Ukraine is, “Prevent World War Three [and] Restore Peace in Europe…

while failing to mention Taiwan or measures promulgating peace. (4)

UGLY: Silent on TikTok, waters down federal protections on life, removes previous stance that

marriage is between a one man and one woman, and fails to address much-needed “entitlement”


• Fails to address TikTok and the Chinese Communist Party spying on Americans.

o V.P. Pence op-ed “TikTok is Digital Fentanyl”


• Weakens the platform’s previously strong pro-life stance: (15)

o Celebrates a state-by-state approach to abortion, rewarding abortion extremists for

pushing radical ballot initiatives.

o Only condemns “Late Term Abortion,” meaning that Republicans apparently are as soft

as most Democrats on the life issue.

▪ 99% of abortions occur before 21 weeks.

o The word “abortion” appears only once, as opposed to 35 times in the 2016 platform.

▪ AAF MEMO: "Remain vigilant" on life.

• Rejects common sense reforms for Social Security and Medicare to ensure long-term solvency.

• Essentially ignores the definition of marriage and the protection of traditional views that the

Conservative movement has held for all of human history.

BOTTOMLINE: The new RNC platform maintains and supports many of the accomplishments of the

Trump-Pence Administration. However, the document retreats on life and global leadership, while

neglecting to flesh out the Republican Party’s positions on a number of issues, as opposed to previous


Additional Resources:

• TikTok is digital fentanyl and Congress, Biden must act before it's too late

• The New Republican Platform Must Not Abandon Conservatism

• Don’t Abandon the Conservative Case for American Global Leadership

• AAF: Biden’s 20% Inflation Is Crushing American Families

• A Family-focused Fusionism | National Affairs

• New report from Pence details threats from regulatory state