Anonymous ID: d37800 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:44 a.m. No.21422048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and anons know that the "consequences" vvvvv were intended and sinister.


Four Unintended Consequences of the Megachurch Movement - And How To Solve Them


''Unintended Consequence #1: Church as a product.''


A me-centered church was ripe to fall to self-serving humanistic thinking. We were setting ourselves up for failure without really knowing the impending doom our nation would face as it struggled to figure out its identity apart from God.  


The seeker sensitive church built self-service into its very foundations. How could we challenge people to repent of their feelings when we had spent the last two decades telling them how much they mattered and how special they were? 


''Unintended Consequence #2: Doctrine as secondary.''


We replaced solid Biblical teaching with self-help Ted-talks. Sure they often referenced the Bible, but there is a big difference between using Bible verses and preaching the text. 


''Unintended Consequence #3: Social club instead of family.''


Like any club, there are rules. And if you don’t follow the rules, “You can’t sit with us.” So in the club, you learn to follow the rules, and in the megachurch the rules are pretty clear. 


They are worth unpacking more fully elsewhere, but they include things like: You must pledge full allegiance to the brand and nothing else, and when you leave, we will either ruin you or forget you ever existed.


''Unintended Consequence #4: Creating cogs in the wheel.''


Discipleship moved from being formed in Christ to being formed into a good part of the church machine.—and-how-to-solve-them?