I got the nude version.
Too soon?
I'll spoiler it just to be safe.
Not exactly.
It was curated based upon what they know OP likes.
4K posts won't make the front page there.
Still, that's all X-Twat Q traffic on a daily basis which is good as there's a QR sized crowd somewhere other than here.
The Q is Kudzu Era is upon us.
Jim should disavow any relationship with babyfist moving forward.
He's too toxic and the stakes are too high right now for any unnecessary distractions.
Tucker, she was never all that hot to begin with.
kek yeah you need to run with this on X-Twat you guys are way better at memes now much impress
irl you know what others tell me they hate about Fauci?
The Beagles.
Not any of the other big fuckerys of his.
I've heard so many fanfics of what people would like to do with him taste of medicine style.
I don't have any issues with her during the Clown End World Times.
Those congresscritters are just props of the Deep State so wtf not have some hotties making TMZ headlines on the monthly.
Eh, it's just Vance.
If they get him no biggie PDJT can always get a new one.
No offense meant to Mrs. Vance.