Re-post that Ireland story, whoever did that last bread. Head of the guy that started LGBTQ pride organization charged with child sex crimes.
Not the country. The guy's name.
Shut up, VaticanClown. Now IP hop like a little schizo retarded NPC bot.
Fascinating display of panic and mental impotence.
Yep, first thing I noticed about that vid.
Why is Tarlov allowed to gaslight the public the way she does? Blatantly lies. She honestly can't believe half the shit that comes out her mouth else she's dumb as shit, or her PhD is as worth as much as the former president of Harvard with the 50 charges of plagiarism.
SSgt. JJ is fired up. Let him cook.
Always either one or the other, and if they split fire its a trickle on one while they focus on the other. Same patterns, different targets.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
>in genetically modified human embryonic kidney
So where were they getting the embryonic tissue from I wonderโฆ
She'll fry your potatoes in some Hoppe's #9.
I see what they did there.
Just like his recreation of the wizard on the surfboard with the American flag.
KEK. Notice the spamtard posting pictures of people yelling and crying. He's telling everyone exactly how they feel right now. That's not projection.
Nothing cuter?
I don't hate them at all. I just don't agree with everything they think.
He's wearing them small hotel pants. No ballroom.
Sure a lot of whining going on from the shills right now. Sand in their pussies or something.
KEK. Phone faggotry.
Failfag mimic. Odd how you need to imitate and use the image of Jesus now to augment your fraudulent piety routine you pivoted to after your failure to destroy the famefags you claimed you were going to do. So you're trying to monopolize the memes and style of one Anon out of spite for your failure.
Fraudulent piety. The other night you were posting dead and bloody cats fighting with Mr. Pig, so you're not going to get away with it. Sorry, shithead, but I'm not letting you walk down this street unscathed after what you did.
He's insufficient. No one follows him so he copies someone in an attempt to get others to follow him. Superficial and weak. No wonder they're losing so badly with idiots like him on their payroll.
Yep. I see it now too. The obsequious patting on the back between already filtereds and one/two posts.
Nah, he's nothing so terrifying as that. He's a simple little Absolute Retard. That's all he ever was. That's all he ever is. That's all he'll ever be. Superficial and fake.
And it's funny because he's doing what he attacked someone for doing. It's okay when him and his friends like VaticanClown and MuhGuhGaytriot do it, but anyone else that doesn't agree with them that does it needs to be destroyed. He's exposing so much unintentionally with his bullshit desperation.
Help with what? Against a paid crew of contracting idiots, Media Matters or whatnot, that've been running an imitation routine for over a year now after the narrative they're paid to post was added to globals to never be in notes? I don't need help for that. They're the ones acting like desperate toddlers not getting their way, raging against their toy taken away. Seriously, after that global was added there've been moar posts whining about personality and gatekeeping and censorship than their ethnic accusation division narrative, and moar SmokingPepes and their variations posted than merchants. If anything, they're the ones that need help.