Anonymous ID: 817686 Aug. 16, 2024, 4:50 p.m. No.21425102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21424685 (pb)

Everyone may not WANT, but everyone CAN.


As soon as too many jump off the train, the ride is over.

Stop using the military/bank internet.

Don't pay for it.

It only exists, because everyone funds it.

Stop using shitphones.

Don't pay for them.

They only exist, because everyone funds it.

Anonymous ID: 817686 Aug. 16, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.21425265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5268


>Truth huh?


Never forget getting shamed to get killed in banker wars.


While the true effectiveness of the campaign is impossible to judge, it spread throughout several other nations in the empire. In Britain, it started to cause problems for the government when public servants and men in essential occupations came under pressure to enlist. That prompted Home Secretary Reginald McKenna to issue employees in state industries with lapel badges reading "King and Country" to indicate that they were serving the war effort. Likewise, the Silver War Badge, which was given to service personnel who had been honourably discharged by wounds or sickness, was first issued in September 1916 to prevent veterans from being challenged for not wearing uniform.


Private Norman Demuth, who was discharged from the British Army after he had been wounded in 1916, received numerous white feathers after he returned from the Western Front. In Forgotten Voices of the Great War, Demuth says:


Almost the last feather I received was on a bus. I was sitting near the door when I became aware of two women on the other side talking at me, and I thought to myself, "Oh Lord, here we go again". One lent forward and produced a feather and said, "Here's a gift for a brave soldier." I took it and said, "Thank you very much—I wanted one of those." Then I took my pipe out of my pocket and put this feather down the stem and worked it in a way I've never worked a pipe cleaner before. When it was filthy I pulled it out and said, "You know, we didn't get these in the trenches", and handed it back to her. She instinctively put out her hand and took it, so there she was sitting with this filthy pipe cleaner in her hand and all the other people on the bus began to get indignant. Then she dropped it and got up to get out, but we were nowhere near a stopping place and the bus went on quite a long way while she got well and truly barracked by the rest of the people on the bus. I sat back and laughed like mad.


And if you think that's made up nonsense, the only good thing about social media is that women can and do expose themselves for what they are and what they think.

Equality for me, but not the equality that 50% of workers on oil rigs have to be females, no. The nice office jobs please. And not equality regarding custody. And not equality regarding going to prison for the same offense.


Feminism is cancer.