Anonymous ID: d9d28c Aug. 16, 2024, 5:11 p.m. No.21425224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Welcome to the Global War

Belated Assumption Edition



Rev 2:11 He that hathG2192 an ear,G3775 let him hearG191 whatG5101 theG3588 SpiritG4151 saithG3004 unto theG3588 churches;G1577 He that overcomethG3528 shall notG3364 be hurtG91 ofG1537 theG3588 secondG1208 death.G2288

Rev 2:12 AndG2532 to theG3588 angelG32 of theG3588 churchG1577 inG1722 PergamosG4010 write;G1125 These thingsG3592 saithG3004 he which hathG2192 theG3588 sharpG3691 swordG4501 with two edges;G1366

Rev 2:13 I knowG1492 thyG4675 works,G2041 andG2532 whereG4226 thou dwellest,G2730 even whereG3699 Satan'sG4567 seatG2362 is: andG2532 thou holdest fastG2902 myG3450 name,G3686 andG2532 hast notG3756 deniedG720 myG3450 faith,G4102 evenG2532 inG1722 those daysG2250 whereinG1722 G3739 AntipasG493 was myG3450 faithfulG4103 martyr,G3144 whoG3739 was slainG615 amongG3844 you,G5213 whereG3699 SatanG4567 dwelleth.G2730

Rev 2:14 ButG235 I haveG2192 a few thingsG3641 againstG2596 thee,G4675 becauseG3754 thou hastG2192 thereG1563 them that holdG2902 theG3588 doctrineG1322 of Balaam,G903 whoG3739 taughtG1321 BalacG904 to castG906 a stumblingblockG4625 beforeG1799 theG3588 childrenG5207 of Israel,G2474 to eatG5315 things sacrificed unto idols,G1494 andG2532 to commit fornication.G4203

the angel: Rev_2:1, Rev_1:11

Rev 2:1 Unto theG3588 angelG32 of theG3588 churchG1577 of EphesusG2179 write;G1125 These thingsG3592 saithG3004 he that holdethG2902 theG3588 sevenG2033 starsG792 inG1722 hisG848 right hand,G1188 who walkethG4043 inG1722 the midstG3319 of theG3588 sevenG2033 goldenG5552 candlesticks;G3087


Rev 1:1 The RevelationG602 of JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 whichG3739 GodG2316 gaveG1325 unto him,G846 to shewG1166 unto hisG848 servantsG1401 things whichG3739 mustG1163 shortlyG1722 G5034 come to pass;G1096 andG2532 he sentG649 and signifiedG4591 it byG1223 hisG848 angelG32 unto hisG848 servantG1401 John:G2491

Pergamos: Pergamos, now Bergamo, the ancient metropolis of Mysia, and the residence of the Attalian kings, is situated on the river Caicus, about sixty miles north of Smyrna, in long. 27 degrees e lat. 39 degrees 11 minutes n. It still retains some measure of its ancient importance; containing a population of 15,000 souls, and having nine or ten mosques, two churches, and one synagogue.

which hath: Rev_2:16, Rev_1:16, Rev_19:15, Rev_19:21; Isa_11:4; Heb_4:12

Rev 2:16 Repent;G3340 or elseG1490 I will comeG2064 unto theeG4671 quickly,G5035 andG2532 will fightG4170 againstG3326 themG846 withG1722 theG3588 swordG4501 of myG3450 mouth.G4750

Rev 1:16 AndG2532 he hadG2192 inG1722 hisG848 rightG1188 handG5495 sevenG2033 stars:G792 andG2532 out ofG1537 hisG848 mouthG4750 wentG1607 a sharpG3691 twoedgedG1366 sword:G4501 andG2532 hisG848 countenanceG3799 was asG5613 theG3588 sunG2246 shinethG5316 inG1722 hisG848 strength.G1411

Rev 19:15 AndG2532 out ofG1537 hisG848 mouthG4750 goethG1607 a sharpG3691 sword,G4501 thatG2443 withG1722 itG846 he should smiteG3960 theG3588 nations:G1484 andG2532 heG846 shall ruleG4165 themG846 withG1722 a rodG4464 of iron:G4603 andG2532 heG846 treadethG3961 theG3588 winepressG3025 G3631 of theG3588 fiercenessG2372 andG2532 wrathG3709 of AlmightyG3841 God.G2316

Rev 19:21 AndG2532 theG3588 remnantG3062 were slainG615 withG1722 theG3588 swordG4501 of him that satG2521 uponG1909 theG3588 horse,G2462 which sword proceededG1607 out ofG1537 hisG848 mouth:G4750 andG2532 allG3956 theG3588 fowlsG3732 were filledG5526 withG1537 theirG848 flesh.G4561

Isa 11:4 But with righteousnessH6664 shall he judgeH8199 the poor,H1800 and reproveH3198 with equityH4334 for the meekH6035 of the earth:H776 and he shall smiteH5221 the earthH776 with the rodH7626 of his mouth,H6310 and with the breathH7307 of his lipsH8193 shall he slayH4191 the wicked.H7563

Heb 4:12 ForG1063 theG3588 wordG3056 of GodG2316 is quick,G2198 andG2532 powerful,G1756 andG2532 sharperG5114 thanG5228 anyG3956 twoedgedG1366 sword,G3162 piercingG1338 evenG2532 toG891 the dividing asunderG3311 of(G5037) soulG5590 andG2532 spirit,G4151 andG5037 of the jointsG719 andG2532 marrow,G3452 andG2532 is a discernerG2924 of the thoughtsG1761 andG2532 intentsG1771 of the heart.G2588

peace children peace

Anonymous ID: d9d28c Aug. 16, 2024, 6:38 p.m. No.21425622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


peace yep

Gal 3:26 ForG1063 ye areG2075 allG3956 the childrenG5207 of GodG2316 byG1223 faithG4102 inG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424

Gal 3:27 ForG1063 as manyG3745 of you as have been baptizedG907 intoG1519 ChristG5547 have put onG1746 Christ.G5547

Gal 3:28 There isG1762 neitherG3756 JewG2453 norG3761 Greek,G1672 there isG1762 neitherG3756 bondG1401 norG3761 free,G1658 there isG1762 neitherG3756 maleG730 norG2532 female:G2338 forG1063 yeG5210 areG2075 allG3956 oneG1520 inG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424

Gal 3:29 AndG1161 ifG1487 yeG5210 be Christ's,G5547 thenG686 areG2075 ye Abraham'sG11 seed,G4690 andG2532 heirsG2818 accordingG2596 to the promise.G1860

yep peace