Anonymous ID: 70cbcb Aug. 16, 2024, 11:30 p.m. No.21426651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

real deluxe high contrast hidefinition movie poster with extra detail in movie poster and movie poster famous movie and very detailed and bold font etched into the poster with 3d "TRUMP 2024" at top with suitable colors and etched into the poster with 3d etching and shadows " NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. " etched in a 3d font and "MAGA" at the bottom perfectly and looks very stylish detailed background extra detail realistic lots of detail amazing detail background realistic more realistic "remove preexisting letters from poster" "first credits are trump coworkers" "with no copyright issues" with stylish sample realistic real real real real correct flags usa usa usa usa usa change the poster words to be related to trump very exciting detail words are correct fit the words all of them best detail most detail best that blends interestingly in the make sure the words are correct words are detailed fit words fit words detailed detailed detailed lasers welcome detailed detailed font together is 3d expert contrast as background is perfect detailed and detailed are highly detailed and look like real people with no masks and maga hats. spend more time to make the face detail look like the average of the face. "trump rally" more sky stars in sky

Anonymous ID: 70cbcb Aug. 16, 2024, 11:40 p.m. No.21426682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

real deluxe high contrast hidefinition movie poster with extra detail in movie poster and movie poster famous movie and very detailed and bold font etched into the poster with 3d "TRUMP" "2024" at top with suitable colors and etched into the poster with 3d etching and shadows " NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. " etched in a 3d font and "MAGA" at the bottom perfectly and looks very stylish detailed background extra detail realistic lots of detail amazing detail background realistic more realistic "remove preexisting letters from poster" "first credits are trump coworkers" "with no copyright issues" with stylish sample realistic real real real real correct flags usa usa usa usa usa change the poster words to be related to trump very exciting detail words are correct fit the words all of them best detail most detail best that blends interestingly in the make sure the words are correct words are detailed fit words fit words detailed detailed detailed lasers welcome detailed detailed font together is 3d expert contrast as background is perfect detailed and detailed are highly detailed and look like real people with no masks and maga hats. spend more time to make the face detail look like the average of the face. "trump rally" more sky stars in sky and mountains. fit fonts to space even if it is smaller than the poster