Anonymous ID: b1fa61 Aug. 16, 2024, 9:24 p.m. No.21426291   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6295



If anons could get past the disinformation and gaslighting - largely from other anons they could see the real truth.

What did James Alefantis say to Ryan O'Neal?

"Everything they say about me is true, but I don't like children."

Why is he really important?

His relationship with LDR?

Anonymous ID: b1fa61 Aug. 16, 2024, 10:57 p.m. No.21426573   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6585


Again I was here before Q.. 8chan had it's own identity.

I said don't go all in on the this exists cause Q posts hereโ€ฆ

Q could stop posting at any time.

There is no reason Q needs to post here..

Q didn't even start here.. it started on 4chan


Jim needs bring back 8/pol/ and do other things like - the goldwater


I see exactly how things went off track.


And that not even mentioning the whole Fred Brennan scenario