Anonymous ID: b9c318 Aug. 16, 2024, 8:43 p.m. No.21426135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6167 >>6456 >>6610 >>6687



Dark Journalist & Joseph Farrell: Berkner Nuclear UFO File Secret Revealed!


Huge implications for JFK’s last scheduled speech in Dallas at Trade Mart with Berkner just before assassination.


Possible planned announcement of:


1) Highly scalable “Clean” Hydrogen Bomb without need for atom bomb ignition (only high voltage plasma pulse) and without nuclear fallout waste

2) Clean Nuclear Energy Production

3) Clean Nuclear Energy Propulsion

4) Joint U.S./Soviet Research Collaboration

Anonymous ID: b9c318 Aug. 16, 2024, 8:51 p.m. No.21426167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6610 >>6687


>significance of JFK’s last speech


Ripple: An Investigation of the World's Most Advanced High-Yield Thermonuclear

Weapon Design (2021)



President Kennedy: What about our tests? How would you summarize our tests, as far as… so, how would they? If they were talking about our tests would they dismiss them quite as you dismiss theirs?

Glenn Seaborg: I think that they would not be able to understand the sophistication of some of the biggest advances we have …

Unidentified: our most advanced idea, namely the Ripple concept, leads to an inherently clean system and maximum efficiency..

McGeorge Bundy: It may be worth just a moment to explain what that is. …

Because that is probably the most important technical development in our own

Dominic series.

Carl Kaysen: That's the sort of breakthrough of the Livermore laboratory.'


White House Meeting on the Dominic Nuclear Test Series, 5 September 1962


Official Copy of Speech (unavailable until late 60’s)

Anonymous ID: b9c318 Aug. 16, 2024, 9:24 p.m. No.21426293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6311




Note that the media refers to CJ as a “far right wing blogger” who promotes “conspiracy theories” yet in his x/Spaces he talks about being a political strategist for the winning KAMALA / Walz campaign.


Moreover, he has recently claimed that Epstein was CIA/MOS hero for setting up Thiel and the same about RFKjr being secret CIA/MOS agent who set up Ritter for FBI raid.


Looks like a real dork @ 35yrs old & brags about owning a genetics testing company, which prolly just a CIA front company so he can rub cocks with high profile people. He seems to have everyone’s cell number.

Anonymous ID: b9c318 Aug. 16, 2024, 10:16 p.m. No.21426478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Tesla stopped fling patents in favor of trade secrets 10+ yrs ago prolly obtained by classified research transfer from secret space program




“magic” … “invented new physics”