Anonymous ID: 8c04c8 Aug. 17, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.21427766   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7771


The baroness Charlotte de Rothschild (1825-1899), who married her cousin Nathaniel (1812-1870) in 1842, was brought up surrounded by the artists her parents received and so went on to become a welcome figure in the world of artists and musicians. In 1835, Frédéric Chopin, her piano teacher, dedicated one of his two opus 69 waltzes to her. However, she was more interested in visual arts than music and became a watercolorist, participating regularly at the Salon, and later in the exhibitions of the Société des Aquarellistes. The Baroness was also a remarkable collector with a taste for a variety of styles, as is suggested here by the eclectic and luxurious décor which surrounds her.

The portrait, painted by GĂ©rĂ´me in 1866, pays homage to Ingres' 1848 portrait of the model's mother, Betty (1805-1886), which is housed in a private collection. GerĂ´me used a similar technique to Ingres; smooth and precise with sumptuous effects such as the marbled reflections of the dress, and he also borrowed the Ingres' positioning of the hand, supporting the chin.Female

portraits by Gérôme are rare; this is the first to enter the Musée d'Orsay collections, and only the third to be recorded in the French national collections. As well as representing the baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild, one of the mid-19th century's most renowned figures, the portrait also embodies the atmosphere of the Parisian society of the age.



Anonymous ID: 8c04c8 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:27 a.m. No.21428013   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8219


"Jerome CORSI who I outed as a Mossad asset/agent in a 1997 sting operation in London. CORSI and Piper Jaffray broker Brad Ahmundson were integral to a fraud that took Minnesota investors for $1 million that the FBI refused to properly investigate. Instead, agents sought to portray me as responsible. CORSI is named as the author of several best-selling Israeli psy-ops books, including Unfit for Command (2004), Atomic Iran (2005), Minutemen (2006), The Obama Nation (2008)."

Anonymous ID: 8c04c8 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:57 a.m. No.21428219   🗄️.is đź”—kun



On my return to the U.S., Brad Amundson accompanied several investors to meet with F.B.I. agents in an attempt to frame me for the Corsi/Lindner fraud that he enabled.[30] In August 2008—13 years later—he again sought to discredit me by contacting Boston Globe reporter Brian Mooney with a “phony Rockefeller” story. As with the Poland fraud, countering that slander consumed time and scarce resources—consistent with the “entropy” strategies that continue to delay engagement with what my life experience proves about the common source of this criminality. Mooney thanked me for not allowing Amundson to deceive him into writing a false story.


In the course of interviewing those directly involved in these events, the F.B.I. visited the office of Minnesota banker Randy Schwake. He knew that Ron and I were working hard to recover the funds and expose those who staged this fraud to discredit me and deflect attention from the facts confirming that Saddam Hussein had no WMD and could be removed without a war.


According to Randy, the F.B.I. agents had no interest other than framing me for the Corsi-Lindner fraud even though Corsi and Amundson raised the funds and possessed the requisite securities licenses.[31] Randy also described how St. Paul Mayor Norman Coleman insisted that Randy provide the names of those who attended a meeting to discuss the fraud. Randy refused. A Jewish Democrat from Brooklyn, New York, Coleman was elected the Republican Senator from Minnesota on November 5, 2002, 11 days after the death of popular Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone in an airplane crash on October 25, 2002.[32] In 2008, he lost his Senate seat to comedian Al Franken. In February 2017, Coleman was appointed chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition funded largely by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and Mariam, his equally rightwing Israeli wife.