Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:07 a.m. No.21427832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.

‘Price gouging’ is not causing inflation. So why is the vice president promising to stamp it out?

Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech Friday was an opportunity to get specific with voters about how a Harris presidency would manage an economy that many feel is not working well for them. Unfortunately, instead of delivering a substantial plan, she squandered the moment on populist gimmicks.

Americans are clearly still anxious and angry about the high cost of groceries, housing and even $5.29 Big Macs. While the inflation rate has cooled substantially since the 2022 peak, an ostensible Biden-Harris administration accomplishment, prices remain elevated relative to the Trump years. So it’s a real political issue for Ms. Harris. One way to handle it might be to level with voters, telling them that inflation spiked in 2021 mainly because the pandemic snarled supply chains, and that the Federal Reserve’s policies, which the Biden-Harris administration supported, are working to slow it. The vice president instead opted for a less forthright route: Blaming big business. She vowed to go after “price gouging” by grocery stores, landlords, pharmaceutical companies and other supposed corporate perpetrators by having the Federal Trade Commission enforce a vaguely defined “federal ban on price gouging.”

Never mind that many stores are currently slashing prices in response to renewed consumer bargain hunting. Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make “excessive” profits, whatever that means. (It’s hard to see how groceries, a notoriously low-margin business, would qualify.) Thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s. Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t.

Ms. Harris’s housing plan is built on a slightly firmer foundation. In urging construction of 3 million new homes over the next four years, she puts her finger on the essence of the housing-affordability problem: insufficient supply. She offers clever tax incentives to help make it happen. But her proposed $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time home buyers stimulates the demand side, which risks putting upward pressure on prices. Such a measure might make sense if Ms. Harris paid for it by eliminating other demand-side housing subsidies, such as the mortgage interest deduction, a roughly $30 billion annual drain on federal revenue that benefits many wealthy Americans — but she does not.

Ms. Harris is on firmest ground when she advocates increasing the child tax credit from the current level of $2,000 per kid up to $3,600 per kid for middle-class and low-income families, and for making it easier for those lower on the income scale to access the benefit. These levels were in place in 2021 and resulted in many families being lifted above the poverty line. Assuming it’s designed with appropriate work incentives, the child tax credit can be highly effective anti-poverty policy. Ms. Harris also suggested expanding the earned income tax credit for childless low-income “front-line workers,” a smart idea that has enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress. She would extend beyond 2025 tax breaks to help Americans of modest means afford to buy health insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces; those tax breaks are part of the reason more than 92 percent of Americans have health insurance now. She also wants to expand the government’s limited power to negotiate Medicare drug prices and permanently cap out-of-pocket drug spending at $2,000 per year for everyone.

Her ideas would cost money, yet she insisted in her speech that she would hold to President Joe Biden’s pledge not to raise taxes on any household earning $400,000 or less annually. That excludes 80 percent of taxable income, and does not take into account the recent surge in families earning over $400,000. The Harris campaign says it plans to raise revenue to cover these costs but did not provide specific offsets in its economic plan rollout. Without them, Ms. Harris’s full plan would add $1.7 trillion to federal deficits over a decade, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan budget watchdog.

To be sure, every campaign makes expensive promises that will never come to pass, especially with a divided Congress. Remember Mr. Biden’s pledge to make community college free? Even adjusted for the pandering standards of campaign economics, however, Ms. Harris’s speech Friday ranks as a disappointment.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:33 a.m. No.21428069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Buried somewhere under the World Trade Center rubble lies a fortune.

Tons of gold and silver had been stored in underground vaults beneath 4 World Trade Center when the building collapsed September 11.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:46 a.m. No.21428155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165 >>8167 >>8174 >>8187


>As an Israeli citizen, you are not allowed to enter Malaysia using your Israeli passport.

In March 1994, Malaysia prohibited the screening of the Steven Spielberg movie "Schindler's List" because the movie was aimed to gain support for the Jews. However, after the protests from the United States and Australia, Malaysia allowed the screening of the movie but with the condition that seven scenes in the movie involved with violence and sex be cut off from the movie. However, Spielberg insisted that the movie be shown in entirety or not at all. He eventually removed all his films from Malaysia.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:49 a.m. No.21428174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8188


>In March 1994, Malaysia prohibited the screening of the Steven Spielberg movie "Schindler's List" because the movie was aimed to gain support for the Jews. However, after the protests from the United States and Australia, Malaysia allowed the screening of the movie but with the condition that seven scenes in the movie involved with violence and sex be cut off from the movie. However, Spielberg insisted that the movie be shown in entirety or not at all. He eventually removed all his films from Malaysia.

Malaysia's foreign minister claimed that Israel should recognise PLO before demanding Malaysia to recognise Israel. In August 1984, the New York Philharmonic orchestra was cancelled in Kuala Lumpur because Malaysia demanded the work from Swiss Jewish composer Ernest Bloch be removed from the programme. In 1983, Mahathir alleged that the Jews were trying to destabilise Malaysia through Jewish controlled newspapers. In 1986, Mahathir also claimed that the Jews have not learned their lessons from their exile two thousand years ago and persecutions by the Nazis while the Jews started to become a bigger monster that persecutes other people. Mahathir also attacked the New York Times and Asian Wall Street Journal as Zionist publications.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:53 a.m. No.21428192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Mahathir was convinced that George Soros was responsible for the financial crisis in the country for trading with Malaysian ringgit. Mahathir also made an "international Jewish conspiracy" rhetoric. When Malaysian deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim visited New York City, he said that Mahathir sincerely believed in the "international Jewish plot". Shortly thereafter, Mahathir fired Anwar for corruption and sexual offences. Mahathir's remarks sparked international criticism. However, Mahathir did not apologize. An official letter from Malaysia, not from Mahathir, said that Mahathir's remarks were incorrectly quoted in media. While the World Jewish Congress praised the letter and considered the incident closed, Israel viewed it as an inadequate apology. On 21 June 2003, Mahathir's political party, the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) distributed an anti-Semitic book named The International Jew during its general assembly. On 16 October 2003, two weeks before Mahathir stepped down from the post of prime minister, he delivered a speech saying that "the Jews rule the world".

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21428204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8215

The implosion that became known as the Asian financial crisis had several chapters. Over the better part of two years in the late 1990s, the economies of Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea crumbled, while Malaysia suffered its deepest recession and rocked the world with capital controls. To appreciate the brew of forces driving this market collapse, one moment in Hong Kong during the early days of the rout is instructive.

At the combined annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in September 1997, a conflict raged over who was to blame for the nascent financial calamity, and what kind of economic model would emerge after it.

The main protagonists were Mahathir Mohamad, at the zenith of his power as prime minister of Malaysia, and George Soros, the billionaire who made bold bets against the currencies of Thailand and Malaysia in the run-up to the crisis.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:56 a.m. No.21428215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>George Soros made bold bets against the currencies of Thailand and Malaysia in the run-up to the crisis.

20 years since the Asian Financial Crisis, a look back at how Malaysia's then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad defied the International Monetary Fund, and his subsequent clash with his deputy Anwar Ibrahim. Has Malaysia come out of the crisis for better or for worse in the long run, as a result of his rejection of the IMF's measures?

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21428227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The outpouring of public anger at the investigation of nine IDF soldiers arrested on suspicion of the abuse and sodomy of a Palestinian detainee at the Sde Teiman detention camp and support for the soldiers, caused a terrible breach of trust with society.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21428243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Soros, Mahathir and the Legacy of 1997

The conspicuous disdain between two high-profile figures became a symbol of colliding political and economic visions. The Asian financial crisis precipitated the end of a long-standing world order.

The implosion that become known as the Asian financial crisis had several chapters. Over the better part of two years in the late 1990s, the economies of Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea crumbled, while Malaysia suffered its deepest recession and rocked the world with capital controls. To appreciate the brew of forces driving this market collapse, one moment in Hong Kong during the early days of the rout is instructive.

So was this just a standard emerging market drama spiced by the odd revolution and verbal grenades from cantankerous leaders? On a global scale, it looks like the first great bust of the post-Cold War era. For Asia, it marked a dividing line: Growth recovered, but never really returned to the pre-1997 levels on a sustained basis. While power can change hands, monetary regimes are more orthodox. When long-held assumptions collapse, it’s rarely limited to matters of money.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21428250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8284

Ford Foundation Links Parents of Obama and Treasury Secretary Nominee

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.21428284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8312


His father Peter Franz Geithner was the director of the Ford Foundation's Asia program in New York during the 1990s, after working for the United States Agency for International Development in Zambia and Zimbabwe. During the early 1980s, Geithner's father oversaw the Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, Barack Obama's mother, and they met at least once in Jakarta. Geithner's paternal grandfather, Paul Herman Geithner immigrated with his parents to the United States in 1908 from Zeulenroda, Germany.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.21428302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8319


>FBI had released the body for cremation 10 days after he shot at Trump in Butler.

FBI responds to congressman saying body of Trump shooter is 'gone' and revealing 'disturbing fact' about probe

The FBI is pushing back after a Republican's startling discovery that Donald Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks' body had been quietly cremated.

Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., a member of Congress' bipartisan task force reviewing the tragic July 13 assassination attempt, unveiled that Crooks' body is 'gone' in an independent report released this week.

Higgins, a former police captain, wrote that he 'caused quite a stir' when attempting to review Crooks' corpse which 'revealed a disturbing fact.'

It was at this point that he learned that the FBI had 'released the body for cremation 10 days' after the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

But the FBI denies the Republican's insinuation that they are obstructing the probe.

'Any suggestion the FBI is interfering with congressional efforts to look into the attempted assassination which took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, is inaccurate and unfounded,' an FBI spokesperson told

'The FBI has been working closely with our law enforcement partners to conduct a thorough investigation into the shooting, and we have followed normal procedures in the handling of the crime scene and evidence.'

'The FBI continues its painstaking work on the investigation to develop as complete a picture as possible of what led to the shooting, and we remain committed to maximum transparency as we continue to brief Congress and publish information for the public regarding the ongoing investigation,' their statement continued.

But the sudden discovery by the Republican has caused a stir with some saying that 'all roads' lead to a 'cover-up.'

'All roads keep leading back to alphabet agencies being involved and/or covering up what actually happened in Butler, PA when President Trump was shot,' Kylie Jane Kremer, Women for America First executive director, wrote on X responding to Higgins' findings.

'It's awfully odd in a case of such importance that there would be some rush somehow to cremate the body,' host Dan Bongino questioned after the report came to light.

Podcaster Chris Martenson posted: ''Disturbing' doesn't come close to describing this. It's now 'malfeasance' until proven otherwise.'

Longtime Rush Limbaugh partner and radio host Bo Snerdley wrote on X, 'Why was the decision made to quickly rid of the body? What purpose did it serve?'

'The body of alleged Trump assassin, Crooks, has been cremated. The FBI released his body to the family just 10 days after the attack. As of today, the coroner's report has still not been released. Cover. Up,' Libertarian podcaster Clint Russell wrote responding to the Republicans' report.

Higgins' report says 'nobody knew' that the body had been returned to the family, including the county coroner and local enforcement.

He wrote that the coroner still had 'legal authority over the body' when the FBI made this decision and accuses the agency of 'obstruction'.

The report comes amid grave concerns over how the shooting was allowed to unfold, with Trump barely escaping with his life and a rally attendee being killed in one of the greatest security failings in American history.

His 'preliminary investigate report' was submitted to Task Force Chairman Mike Kelly (R-PA) on August 12 and released to the public on Higgins' website on August 15.

In it he questions why Crooks' body was released to the family by the FBI without any oversight.

'The problem with me not being able to examine the actual body is that I won't know 100% if the coroner's report and the autopsy report are accurate. We will actually never know,' Higgins writes.

'Yes, we'll get the reports and pictures, but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body.'

The report continues: 'Again, similar to releasing the crime scene and scrubbing crime scene biological evidence… this action by the FBI can only be described by any reasonable man as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.'

The Louisianan states that on July 23, the day that Crooks was cremated, both the Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight Committee had opened investigations into the assassination attempt, while Speaker Mike Johnson had stated he was forming a congressional investigative body.

'Why, then, by what measure, would the FBI release his body to the family for cremation? This pattern of investigative scorched earth by the FBI is quite troubling.' reached out to the FBI for comment.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.21428312   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Geithner's father oversaw the Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, Barack Obama's mother

As president of the New York Fed, Geithner was a central figure in the U.S. government's response to the late 2000s financial crisis.

Anonymous ID: c84015 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.21428449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8460

It is forbidden to hand over a Jew to the heathen, neither his person nor his goods, even if he is wicked and a sinner, even if he causes distress and pain to fellow-Jews. Whoever hands over a Jew to the heathen has no part in the next world. It is permitted to kill a moser wherever he is. It is even permitted to kill him before he has handed over (a fellow Jew).