Anonymous ID: 1bb5c5 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21429724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9767 >>9810 >>9942 >>9949 >>0018

Roger Stone quotes Mel Brooks: Tim Walz ‘jumping around like a Kansas City faggot’ at rally... 1/2


Trump loyalist Roger Stone is making waves after watching the Harris/Walz rally in Las Vegas, where he made some interesting observations about “Tampon Tim.” Like many Americans, Roger was taken aback by Tim’s rather effeminate behavior on stage. In fact,Roger was so surprised that he quoted Mel Brooks from “Blazing Saddles,” using the word “faggot” to describe Walz. Predictably, this sent the left into a frenzy. But is there some truth to what Roger said?

Well, if you gauge the sentiment online, it’s clear that many people agree with Roger’s assessment. As a matter of fact, many people thought Tim’s overly excited behavior came across as effeminate, forced, and reeked of a cheesy game show contestant.


Tim may have even had a “gay Hitler” vibe.


What’s really curious is that we’ve been told Republicans are supposedly terrified of Tim’s manliness, yet his prancing, “Liberace style,” clearly didn’t align with the media’s earlier “manly” narrative.



Since Tuesday, when Vice President Kamala Harris introduced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, Republicans have scaled back their initial attacks on Harris’ race and gender. Instead, they have targeted the traditional signifiers of Walz’s masculinity.


It’s hardly surprising. Any liberal Democrat whose resume includes football coach, military veteran and sharp-shooting hunter is a challenge to MAGA mythology, which posits that liberalism and feminism threaten traditional masculinity, so you’d better vote Republican before marauding Amazons take your endangered man card away.


Those traditional manly traits are threatening enough on their own. But if such a marksman, state-title-winning football coach and regular guy can happily play second fiddle to a Black woman running for president, then what does that say about MAGA’s efforts to reverse-engineer the 21st century? After all, if a middle-aged, heterosexual White guy who likes to hunt doesn’t have to live in constant fear of losing status and doesn’t need traditional gender and racial hierarchies to validate his life choices, then what does he need Donald Trump and JD Vance for?


That’s a terrifying question for a Republican ticket that offers little beyond resentment, rage and a promise to restrict the freedom and democratic power of its opponents. It explains why Vance immediately began smearing Walz’s military record, claiming — without evidence, of course — that Walz had “abandoned” his unit when he ran for Congress before the unit was deployed to Iraq.


After watching that prancing dance, I doubt many so-called “toxic men” supporting President Trump would feel “threatened” by Tim’s non-existent “masculinity,” which now brings us to Roger’s latest observation….

Anonymous ID: 1bb5c5 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21429767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9810 >>9949 >>0018




Roger Stone, the far-right operative and former campaign advisor to Donald Trump, is back in the news this weekafter he used a homophobic slur to describe Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz.(if you don't want to be called a faggot, stop acting like one)


On Monday, August 12, during his show The StoneZONE on the streaming platform Rumble — which also hosts Trump’s self-branded social media network, Truth Social — Stone referred to Walz as a “faggot” with a thin pretext of plausible deniability, should he need it, that he was just quoting the film Blazing Saddles.


“This guy, Tim Walz — saw him at a rally, I mean, I hate to quote Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles, but he was jumping around like a Kansas City faggot,” Stone told his cohost Troy Smith and guest Caitlin Sinclair of the right-wing advocacy group Turning Point USA. Stone added, pointedly,that Walz was “really, really weird,"an apparent attempt to use Walz’s own language about Republicans against him. (The libs have reduced an Election for President, to children on the playground)


There’s some context to the Blazing Saddles quote, not that it helps Stone’s case. In the film, the line is delivered by Taggart, a corrupt politician’s flunky, while berating his own gang of racists who were themselves tricked into jumping around and singing the minstrel song “Camptown Races.” If Stone wants to cast himself as Taggart, we suppose there’s nothing we can do about it, but it seems like a pretty transparent excuse to drop a slur.


Stone was likely referring to Walz’s recent appearance at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, which right-wing media have worked overtime to frame as freakish, despite nothing out of the ordinary really happening. Far-right propaganda outlet Breitbart called Walz — who, to be clear, simply waved enthusiastically to the crowd — “weirdly giddy” at the event, while U.K. tabloidThe Daily Mail referred to Walz as “bizarre.” Stone also falsely accused Vice President Kamala Harris of changing her ethnicity over time, a rising talking point on the right that strongly resembles the racist “birther” conspiracy against former President Barack Obama (of which Stone was a major architect).


Keep in mind that Yahoo News, which claims Tim’s behavior was “nothing out of the ordinary,” is part of the same mainstream media that downplayed Joe Biden’s raging “dementia” as if it were also “nothing out of the ordinary.” And we all know how that turned out, right? Clearly, something’s off with the Kamala/Walz campaign. These are two awkward, unknown, and unpopular figures who were thrust into the spotlight under bizarre circumstances, and we’re supposed to believe they suddenly whipped up a political movement that makes Barack Obama look like an amateur?This plot reeks of the 2020 “81 million votes” scheme, and people are catching on.


(Rules for Radicals by Alinskey is being used for everything Kamala and Walz does, Obama directing this hoax)

Anonymous ID: 1bb5c5 Aug. 17, 2024, 1:17 p.m. No.21429890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9949 >>0018


Have you seen Kamala’s proposed radical cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and more…

August 16, 2024 (a day ago)


It seems Obama is angling for a fourth term, which is why he’s sidelined Biden in favor of Kamala Harris—the unpopular, inexperienced DEI diva who reportedly used her “womanly ways” to get ahead. Why do we know this? We got a sneak peek atKamala’s proposed cabinet, and it’s a who’s who of Obama-era radicals, starting with head Marxist Eric Holder and the progressive disaster who torched Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. If this scary group of radicals doesn’t light a fire in you to ensure President Trump gets reelected, nothing will.


What’s truly frightening is that these names represent a return to some of the most broken aspects of America.


Many people believe the Harris/Walz campaign is the biggest astroturf psyop in US political history, which says a lot considering what they pulled off with Basement Biden. At least Biden was well-known and liked by some clueless voters. Harris doesn’t even have that going for her, and as for Tim Walz, no one knows who he is unless you call him “Tampon Tim.”


We also know that the Harris/Walz duo is the most radical duo to ever grace the campaign trail, and Kamala’s cabinet list tells you that this crazy train isn’t slowing down.


The radical connections—from the trans agenda to backing Hitler-supporting terrorists—are flooding the internet, and the campaign is reeling, even if they won’t admit it.


A Harris/Walz presidency would be the final nail in America’s coffin. Not to be too hyperbolic, but with the level of extremism and liberal insanity that this administration would bring, especially with the likes ofEric Holder, Jake Sullivan, and Rahm Emanuel, there’s no way America could withstand another four years under such extremism.


You can watch the entire Glenn Beck video here:


A Harris/Walz presidency would be the final nail in America’s coffin. Without being too hyperbolic, the level of extremism and liberal insanity this administration would bring—especially with figures like Eric Holder, Jake Sullivan, and Rahm Emanuel—would be more than America could withstand. We can’t afford another four years of such extremism.

It’s time to take a stand and ensure this doesn’t happen. Get out there, make your voice heard, and fight for the future of this country before it’s too late. This is our last stand.