Anonymous ID: 5fd4d2 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21429615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21428929 (pb) Communism controlling the food stores… and when the illegals steal everything in sight?


My grandmother grew up in a communist-ravaged European country. She said that everyone was just stealing. If you working in a meat factory you stole meat, if you worked at a cigarette factory you stole cigarettes. Neighbors would just be trading stolen products with each other like meat for cigs or vice versa. The politicians were stealing all the gold and silver. Communism only works in theory, not in practice.


Any system will be corruptible but Communism is the worst one because the people can't fight back. Make sure to never give up your freedom of speech and guns.