KEK. So the whole site should just change to accommodate you for not being smarter than the embed box?
How's that my fault? Quit whining about it.
They say, "Our democracy." As if they're the benevolent and rightful custodians of it.
POTUS Trump says, "Your country."
I smell lies on Faux. Some former aide to Boehner or whatever. Big surprise Faux is showing a poll that says Hairlip is beating POTUS Trump. What a joke.
Bluestack Strategies. The founder is spreading propaganda on Faux right now. Maura Gillespie.
Wow. Faux really jumped the shark. Setting up the next segment with a claim of someone knowing how Putin thinks. At least he's not an anonymous source familiar with how POTUS Trump thinks or some dumb shit that the fake news ran 4 years ago.
Kowmala Harelip