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Elon Musk says X will pull operations from Brazil after ‘censorship orders’

Judge Alexandre de Moraes had ordered X to block certain accounts as he investigated fake news and hate messages (This is guy that couped Bolsonaro)

Sat 17 Aug 2024 13.00 EDT


Elon Musk announced on Saturday that the social media platform X would close its operations in Brazil “effective immediately” due to what it called “censorship orders” from the Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes.


X claims Moraes secretly threatened one of its legal representatives in the South American country with arrest if it did not comply with legal orders to take down some content from its platform. Brazil’s supreme court, where Moraes has a seat, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The X service remains available to the people of Brazil, the billionaire Elon Musk’s platform said on Saturday.


Earlier this year, Moraes ordered X to block certain accounts, as he investigatedso-called “digital militias” that have been accused of spreading fake news and hate messagesduring the government of the far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro.


Moraes opened an inquiry earlier this year into Musk after he said he would reactivate accounts on X that the judge had ordered blocked. Musk has called Moraes’s decisions regarding X “unconstitutional”.


After Musk’s challenges, X representatives reversed course and told Brazil’s supreme court that the social media giant would comply with the legal rulings.


Lawyers representing X in Brazil in April told the supreme court that “operational faults” had allowed users who were ordered blocked to stay active on the social media platform, after Moraes had asked X to explain why it allegedly had not fully complied with his decisions.


KEK Guardian statement:

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