Anonymous ID: ffce28 Aug. 17, 2024, 11:54 a.m. No.21429479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9572 >>9810 >>9949 >>0018

President Trump Announces 2025 Transition Team


August 16, 2024 | Sundance |

With the announcement of the 2025 transition team well in advance, you might note thatPresident Donald Trump is taking a much more aggressive stance on the vetting of potential members of his administration. This is a critical and necessary proactive plan; it should be considered a very good sign.


President Trump has appointed Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick as co-chairs of the transition team. However,President Trump has also appointed JD Vance, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump as honorary chairs, likely with veto authority over any staffing recommendation.


Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick provide a solid, intelligent, pragmatic and emotionally disconnected perspective. There is a strong likelihood both Co-Chairs understand how the DC system and IC will respond to a 2024 victory and position the attack in 2025.


As the primary voice who advocated to put JD Vance into position, Donald Trump Jr has found his passion in politics, strongly believes Vance will be the 2028 candidate, and seems to be positioning himself to be the VP on the ’28 Vance ticket.Eric Trump is the silent, stable, strategic and smart apple closest to the tree.


A few smart people might have noted something missing in the video of President Trump voting in the Florida primary a few days ago. WATCH:


The part that’s missing is Melania.


First Lady Melania Trump will likely be far less prominent in a successful second term. Given a confluence of events before Butler, PA, and in the lead up to the GOP convention, it was very obvious thatMelania Trump was intentionally extracting her son Barron Trump away from U.S. politics.


I don’t usually entertain speculation media, but the recent storyline on Page Six aligns with the visible data. If Barron attends New York University, it makes sense that protective Melania (and her sister) would want to be close.


With all of this in mind, now we have greater context for the 2025 staffing series which will continue again, starting with three of four important positions inside Main Justice.

Anonymous ID: ffce28 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.21429610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9613 >>9810 >>9949 >>0018


Harley-Davidson’s German CEO admits he took the job to turn an American icon into a DEI wokeness factory…. 1/2

It looks like the woke DEI disease has claimed yet another victim—this time, it’s the all-American motorcycle company Harley-Davidson. They’ve gone from easy riders to progressive pukes faster than you can say “born to ride,” all thanks to their uber-woke German CEO, Jochen Zeitz. He’s now admitting thathe took the job at this legendary American brand in order to turn an iconic symbol into a DEI wasteland. Think Bud Light on wheels…


Robby Starbuck:


Every @harleydavidson rider is going to want to see this. It sure sounds like CEO Jochen Zeitz admits that he took the Harley job because it was an opportunity to transform an American icon into embracing wokeness and DEI.


Read the quotes below carefully. He said this at a Synergos ‘David Rockefeller Leadership Award’ event. Synergos says they work to “dismantle systems that create the most urgent problems of our time…. social injustice and climate change.”


Doesn’t that just scream HARLEY-DAVIDSON!?


“As diverse as we could possible be as a brand and a business, and celebrate diversity and inclusion… That’s one of the reasons why I took the job because I believe in an incredible American icon and the transformation and the opportunity to contribute positively to a very divisive society.”


He goes on to say that “politics and politicians can only do so much… but business can be a significant force for good and not just because it’s the right thing to do, it’s the right thing for the business itself, being inclusive I think is a critical component.”


Harley has a problem and his name is Jochen Zeitz. No one can credibly argue that this guy isn’t a far left activist. In my view it’s clear that he’s telling us he took the job to transform Harley into a woke company. Customers, workers and dealers reaching out to me are angry. Harley’s board has a very limited window to act before permanent damage is done to the brand.


Straddling the fence isn’t going to work as more videos come out of Jochen’s words.


And he’s clearly taking his mission seriously. He’s not just making Harley-Davidson “woke”—he’s burning rubber and turning it to ash in the process.


Robby Starbuck:


Exposed: The CEO of @harleydavidson says he became the “Taliban” in “a sustainable way” when he became a board member and admits he’s “trying to take on capitalism and redefine it.”


He says that him and his woke friends have “a better way of doing business… that is not just profitable from a financial point of view but also from a social and environmental point of view.”


He sounds like an enemy to traditionalism and capitalism which by proxy make him just plain unfit to lead @harleydavidson. It’s clear to me that his goal is to inject his left wing views into Harley even if it means destroying an American icon. This is unacceptable. He’s tarnishing the reputations of dealers by not doing the right thing. Most dealers do NOT agree with the woke actions taken by corporate.


If you’ve had enough, make your voice heard with one click here:


More quotes from this video:


“Then I became a board member at Harley-Davidson. Now you could ask, what am I doing here? Of course Harley’s all about the sound and the smell of the Harley-Davidson, isn’t it? So I became the Taliban again in a sustainable way. I decided to create a sustainability committee which I’m still chairing today.”


On sustainability: “it’s not just a buzzword out there that means little, you’re translating it into the DNA of what you’re doing in business.And that’s what we’re trying to do with the other initiative which I just co-chaired with Sir Richard Branson, which is called The B Team…In order to really try and redefine the role and purpose of business. So here again, now we are trying to take on traditional capitalism and try to redefine it.”


He says that him and the other globalist executives in the B Team “believe” that they can “collectively” “have a contribution toward a better way of doing business… that is not just profitable from a financial point of view but also from a social and environmental point of view.”…

Anonymous ID: ffce28 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21429613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9639 >>9810 >>9949 >>0018



“It’s important that we create new leadership. That we get others to join a new thinking of a more sustainable business, of a better business that is more equitable in every respect. Socially, environmentally and financially.”


If you think the German CEO is just trying to score a few “progressive brownie points,” think again.This man is a committed left-wing Marxist, through and through.


Robby Starbuck:


Harley-Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz is asked why people should trust that @harleydavidson’s “transformation” to left wing values “is for real” and “not just a PR stunt”?


He begins his argument for making Harley a climate activist companyby saying he doesn’t want to say “follow the science” because “some people don’t like science” which seems like a clear knock at many Harley riders who didn’t blindly “follow the science” when Fauci told them to. That science was wrong by the way and those who didn’t listen were largely proven right.


But if you think it can’t get any worse, you’re wrong. The iconic American company that vowed to always make their bikes in the US is now moving some key manufacturing to Thailand.


Robby Starbuck:


Wow. Harley-Davidson is moving production of some US motorcycles to THAILAND!


That means @harleydavidson lied when they told bikers and workers that they would never build bikes overseas for the US market.


This is DEI and wokeness in action.


Not sure what I mean by that?


Guess what company gets more diverse by moving jobs to Thailand? Harley-Davidson. Diversity is code for less white people and less American jobs for Americans of all races. This is the part of DEI people don’t even discuss. Many CEO’s use the diversity quotas as a way to eliminate American jobs in favor of cheap labor in some other country where people work for inhumane wages. We must put America first!


Harley is stabbing bikers and workers in the back under their woke CEO Jochen Zeitz.


Boycott this move with one click here.


Let’s face it, most conservatives are decent, well-informed people who care about protecting the planet. They want to do the right thing without buying into the hysterical alarmism that seems designed to make elites rich while lower-income people suffer. Small, reasonable changes are totally acceptable. However, what Harley-Davidson—a company that’s supposed to represent the American spirit—is doing now sounds more like far-left foreign Marxism with a communist green agenda aimed at controlling the masses through fear and hysteria.That attitude will turn Harley into the next “Bud Light” in no time, unless they do a u-turn and get back on course. They’re a motorcycle company, not a political machine.

Anonymous ID: ffce28 Aug. 17, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21429639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9810 >>9949 >>0018


Actions Taken: 285

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Robby Starbuck is on a roll, and this time Harley Davidson is the latest woke brand to be exposed.


They support “the equality act” which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker rooms, have funding all ages drag events, and forced employees to take numerous woke trainings. CEO Jochen Zeitz has even declared February “inclusion month” because somehow pride month just isn’t enough.


There’s a lot more but you get the idea. Email the CEO and respectfully tell him he’s destroying one of America’s most venerated brands.


Link to boycott