Livestock kept?
You heard about that hot mic?
Enjoy the show.
Genesis 3:14
The Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.”
Livestock kept?
Enjoy the show.
That’s weird.
You think they’re having fun birdwatching?
Your evil has no place here.
Stupid fucking logo.
Class action lawsuits are effective.
Stop talking to me hahaha voyeur
Satan isn’t real. Only retards follow and worship something that isn’t real. The Low Frequency Low Vibration uncreative demonic thieves they are. Obsessed with cocks.
They’ve been programmed by a bunch of retards who worship Satan which isn’t real. There is no Satan. They believe there is. They live their lives that way. They’re programmed that way. To act like demons. To move in groups. To torture and torment. That’s demonic in Nature.
If the only thing that spewed out of your mouth was judgement and you can’t think of any thing more than 1 syllable words to call somebody…to outright lie blackmail bribe and extort…you work for the “devil”.
Looking forward to your arrests.
False prophet.
Have you witnessed Satan? Have you had a chat with her? Have you touched and felt Satan?
I’ve been touched by God. How about you?
They smoked pot with Satan
Satan doesn’t need a warrant to illegally spy on people.
You sound like a Nazi.
Closing Act.
Absolutely not planned and coordinated.
What’s that, 2018?
The Q&A has multiple meanings.
For starters the interrogation torture techniques being carried out by deep state minions for over half a decade. The mind control, and witchcraft.
Two the Q&A they’ll be undergoing when brought into custody.
They’re obsessed with crowd sizes. The size of anything really. As I said, demons.
Don’t feed the skank.
It says right here “Hitler” and the “USSR” used these techniques.
Expect a knock at the door.