The date lines up with the State of the Union Speech and the freeing of the blackmailed congressmen….likely it was a big marker for a different phase in the attempt to destroy ZOG>
The date lines up with the State of the Union Speech and the freeing of the blackmailed congressmen….likely it was a big marker for a different phase in the attempt to destroy ZOG>
Yep. Trump knows that. He is sending a message. Trump knows what Tesla knew.
It is why his homes are filled with Gold. He has so much of it that it acts as a Farraday Cage. Gold reflects energy. They use it paper thin to protect the Moon Landers. It stops directed energy weapons. Trump does nothing by chance. His love of Gold is a shield. He cant tell you that of course so he lets us think whatever we want to think about his taste in decor
I have spent endless times putting Q stuff on my FB page. I was shocked yesterday when my wife's first husband was helping his son move into my spare bedroom.
When he got a break he asked me if there had been any new Q news. I was shocked…..I thought for a moment and said…"well not since July the 4th"
He said "Oh I read everything up till then"
I felt a happy tingle.
He had never told me he had started reading them.
Never underestimate the power of planting a seed.
Carry on.
Your trying to interfere with the wave lengths. Faraday cages are not only aluminum….
Man think a little