I'm disappointed in you fake q. You used to try. You used to try to be like Q. Those were the good times. Now, you have let yourself go. It's like you don't even care about us any more. Where have all the good times gone? I think it is over between us. Fake q, we want a divorce.
Have to agree with this to a degree. But, if these things come to pass, it will all be worth it. If it doesn't I may never trust another human being again.
How cute. France is asking permission to continue their cabal activities. Winning.
I haven't finished it, but one working theory that seems to make sense with timing is that chapter numbers equal what month certain things will happen. I am on chapter 7, which would correlate with July. Things take a turn in that chapter.
Could it be that the Dormouse is Sessions? The Dormouse finally WAKES UP in this chapter. Q said July is when the world would learn the truth. Could Sessions finally make his move this month?
She is a criminal who has used her power, money, and position to hide her crimes from the masses. She was convicted of kidnapping but everyone who investigates it winds up dead. Open your eyes.
LOL! Good one anon.